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Junior Civic League members learn about ONU's HealthWise program

Junior Civic League met  Oct. 14, at the Rudolph H. Raabe Pharmacy Building on the campus of Ohio Northern University. 

Dr. Michael Rush, Director of HealthWise at the university gave the program. He talked about the 12-week walking program, which he developed for the university employees.

The participants who enrolled following a screening, developed their goals, had comprehensive lab tests and measured their progress throughout the program in its second year. 

On average the participants improved their cholesterol and blood sugar levels, weight, increased the amount of daily steps, minutes per day and days per week of exercise.

Ada Junior Civic League presents checks totaling $2,400


Ada Junior Civic League representatives presented checks totaling $2,400 to five community organizations this summer: 

• Ada Public Library 
• Ada Fire Department,
• Restore,
• Ada RR Park Garden, and
• Crossroads Crisis Center.  

The League had very successful fund raising last club year. Fundraisers included pecan sales, hog raffle, Harvest and Herb Fest 50-50 raffle and a white elephant sale.

Fresh Georgia pecans may be ordered from any Junior Civic member for delivery in early November.  Proceeds will go to community organizations.

Heather Cox heads Ada Kiwanis Club in 2013-14

Earlier this month Charles Van Dyne installed Ada Kiwanis Club officers for the coming Kiwanis year (October through September).

Officers are Heather Cox, president; John Berg, president-elect; David MacDonald, vice president; Brian Myers, secretary; Bryan Marshall, treasuerer.

Directors are Charles Van Dyne, Joe Ferguson, Sharon MacKenzie and Immediate Past President Myrna McCurdy. Bill Fuller, who was named as Secretary-Elect will be installed at a later date.

Ada Kiwanis Club prepares for several October events

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday October 8th at the New China Restaurant, downtown Ada.
Laura Ferguson and Carol Friesner were welcomed as guests.

The birthday of Brian Myers (October 9th) was noted in song.

Adelyn Althaus wins Icon football contest for week 7

The winner of Week 7 of The Icon Football Contest is Adelyn Althaus.  Adelyn correctly picked 14 contests this week.  Adelyn also won week 6.

Other contestants:

11 correct:  Brandon Huber, Nancy Armour and Todd Fleharty.

10 correct:  Bill Edwards, Luke Amstutz, Mark Sommers, Nathan Davis, Randy Stewart and Tom Clark.

9 correct:  Barry Schneck, Duane Bollenbacher, Jerry Cupples, Jim Dillman, John Dailey, Matt Amstutz, Megan Morris, Nathan Curtis and Tater Hooker.

Adelyn Althaus wins Icon football contest for week 6

The winner of Week 6 of The Icon Football Contest is Adelyn Althaus.  Adelyn and Luke Amstutz both correctly picked 14 games this week.  Both contestants chose the same twotie-breakers.  Adelyn was declared the winner by virtue of entering her picks first. 
