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Here’s an update on Ada Kiwanis Club

The Ada Kiwanis Club met on Tuesday March 24, at noon at the new Ada First United Methodist Church.
President John Berg called the meeting to order.

The Kiwanis membership anniversary of member Bill Fuller (March 26, 2009) was noted.

In brief business:
Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances, including updates on the recently completed 63rd annual Pancake and Sausage Day.

The club will hold a joint meeting with the Ada Rotary on Tuesday March 31st at the O.N.U. Inn. Ada mayor David Retterer will be the guest speaker.

Club members are invited to attend a fun night tonight at the home of Bruce and Sandy Neely.

The day that the Easter Bunny arrived in Ada

We don't know who had the most fun - the sorority sisters who sponsored a Sunday afternoon egg hunt, or the participants.

More photos at bottom of story

Here's some views of the event:
Kappa Alpha Theta sisters greet the Easter Bunny during an Easter Egg hunt at War Memorial Park on a chilly but sunny Sunday afternoon.

Cristin St. Laurent shows son Jamarcus how to find goodies at the Easter Egg hunt. 

Dad Charles Lambert helps daughter Brianna and son Cooper at the Kappa Alpha Theta Easter Egg hunt.

Yoga cool down

Twenty local children took part in ONU Health Day on Saturday at the pharmacy building where there were fun activities to encourage kids to live healthy lives. Here, Landon and Sophie Mosher, with Steven Cole, are doing a yoga cool down.
(Monty Siekerman)

Face it - there's lots of polar bears in Ada, just don't get too close to this one

By Monty Siekerman
An interesting piece of art at King-Horn on campus is viewed by many people every day. It's the face of a polar bear. Up close, the installation looks like a bunch of blurred tiles. As you move away from the art piece, the image of the school's mascot becomes clearer and clearer...intriguing, bordering on "participatory art," never boring no matter how many times you pass by, and often talked about by those who come upon it...almost stops you in your tracks, unexpectedly. We asked the artist to comment on her is her reply:

Drum roll's the Ada school honor roll

12TH GRADE: Alexis Amburgey, Noah Beach, Cort Everhart, Steven Gray, Blake Hall, Allison Howard, Terra Hunter, Gabriella Linnon, Abby Petersen, Nolan Roberts, Cody Stransky, Victoria Wyss.

11TH GRADE: Benjamin Bowers, Alexandra Boyadzhiev, Brayden Sautter, Alissa Schlachter, Megan Simon, Katey Stuart, Kyley Stuart, Casey Swick.

10TH GRADE: Ashley Breidenbach, Rielyn Castle, Taryn Fullom, Kaitlyn Long, Meredith Marshall, Elizabeth Milks, Meredith Morgan, Grace Nelson, Jackson Secor, Haley Wyss.

You are never too old to dance and this video is proof

"Agile" means to be able to move quickly and easily. Watch these two dancers define the word perfectly.

Donna Shadley of Ada dances with a partner from Kenton during the recent Senior Dance at ReStore Community Center, Ada...quickly and easily.

The dances take place ever other Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. at ReStore, 210 N. Main St.. Jon Umphress took this video and shared it with the Icon. 

Donna's dance partner is 93. CLICK ON THE VIDEO BELOW AND START DANCING.
