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Donations, please

Elita Smith (left) and Kendra Mayfield of Northern Christian Fellowship ask for donations to feed Cambodian children.

They asked people to give up a latte a month and instead give $5 monthly to the cause since $5 feeds a Cambodian child for a month. T

he Christian group also sold cookies during the drive to raise money.
(Monty Siekerman)

15 minutes with Tom Miller: "One team, one mission"

In an interview with Tom Miller, Chief of the Ada Liberty Ambulance District, we learned how many runs they make, how it is funded and organized, and how fully equipped it is to serve residents of the village and township.

How many runs do you make?
Nearly 600 annually.

Where do you get the money to operate?
Mostly by billing private insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid. There is an Ada/Liberty tax levy. We receive some gifts and grants. We get donations from ONU, and they work very well with us.

Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4-H club meets

By Cassidy Deckling, Reporter
The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4-H club met on March 23 in the Hardin Northern Ag building.

The meeting was presided by Holly Wilson and roll call was favorite candy bar. Forty-two members, seven advisors, and thirteen guests were present. The meeting started with recreation at seven, where the members participated in indoor relays.

The 4-H pledge and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Brenna Flowers and Carl Woodruff. Project books were passed out and dues were paid. Alyssa Heldman educated members on how to be safe when mowing lawns this summer.

Get 'em while they're hot

Russ Gibson (left) and Greg Dysert serve up chicken to Sheriff Keith Everhart at a grill stand in front of Four Seasons on SApril 18. They will sell about 100 chicken and rib dinners during the lunch hour. (Monty Siekerman)

Festival of Colors early in the evening; lots of shower later in the evening; lots of fun all the way around

This is the kind of club lots of viewers would like to join. It appears as if members have lots of  fun.

The Ohio Northern Univeristy Indian Student Assocation held a springtime "Holi Festival," over the weekend. It's a Festival of Colors. Following a brief presentation about the festival, and some snacks a "color fight" took place.

Holi is a Hindu festival that signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, and the end of winter. During the festival, participants play, chase, and color each other with dry powder.

Civic award presented to ONU student for organizing a Sunday school at Our Lady of Lordes Church

Amanda Liebrecht, a second-year pharmacy student from McComb, has been awarded a Newman Civic Fellows Award, sponsored by the KPMG Foundation, for her efforts in establishing a Sunday school program in Ada for the Catholic parish.

Liebrecht, along with several classmates, organized a Sunday school in which young children are supervised during the Sunday morning Mass service and a child-friendly lesson is provided for the children. The ONU students take turns preparing lessons for the children, which include Bible stories, a craft/project, some games, and a snack.
