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Teaching the value of a fingerprint and DNA

By Monty Siekerman

Dave Hammond, a Bureau of Criminal Investigation agent, fingerprints children at Ada War Memorial Park on Friday.

He also took DNA samples. He described to to the youngsters, who volunteered to be printed and have DNA recorded, the value of having such information.

One man, who lost his daughter in a plane crash at sea many years ago, said having had DNA would have been helpful in identifying her remains. DNA is also helpful in returning lost children to their parents.

The activity took place during a free lunch program offered this summer by ReStore Community Center.

Jax, Icon's dog of the week, is available for adoption

Here's Jax, 4-month-old male aussie mix, 14 pounds, available for adoption.

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Led by Calvin Fisher - ReStore's summer meal total for kids will reach nearly 1,500

By Monty Siekerman
Since school let out in the spring, Calvin Fisher has headed up the free lunch program for children sponsored by ReStore Community Center and held at War Memorial Park.

The 5-day-a-week summer program will come to a close on Friday, Aug. 12 with a pizza lunch and free swimming from noon to 1 p.m.

Here, Calvin takes tickets from children as he calls out their number. The kids then have an opportunity to choose a free prize. This has been done each Friday.

When all is said and done, the ReStore program, led by Calvin, will have served about 1,500 meals.

Ada youth learn about park rangers

By Monty Siekerman
Richard Kimmel helps one and a half year old Brody Hopson reach a water fountain at Ada War Memorial Park. Kimmel is the chief park ranger for the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District in Lima.

He was on hand at a free lunch, sponsored by ReStore Community Center, to talk with children about the duties of a park ranger and describe some of the different kinds of parks in the Lima area.

There are rivers, monuments, historical parks, and a bird sanctuary, among others.
The park district sponsors an apple festival, making maple sugar, environmental programs, and more.

At The Cask Room - the game is on

Game Night at The Cask Room found many gamers and lots of games to play.

Jonah Agner (standing) helps patrons Andy Limbert (left) and Brady Blankemeyer get started on their choice of a game on Tuesday evening. Even the menu was themed for the night. (Monty Siekerman)

Joe and Linda Ferguson hosting Japanese visitor through 4-H

Ada Kiwanis members learned about Ada's connection to Labo, an international 4-H exchange program.

Jun Tsukmato spoke to the members of the  program at the club's recent meeting. Her Ada host family is Joe and Linda Ferguson.

The exchange of students between Japan and North American provide children and their families the opportunity to experience a new culture, learn a new language and become international citizens.

 Labo families welcome a foreign child into their family in order to make friends, learn about a new culture, introduce their own customs and practice a new language.
