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Importance of reading

Ada 4th grade students attended the ONU men's basketball game Saturday as part of the Books with Benz reading incentive. The students were honored at halftime, then received shirts signed by the team after the game.  Earlier this year, Coach Rich Bensman and several players visited the 4th graders at the elementary and spoke to them about the importance of reading. In the game, Ada easily defeated Capital.

Susan Putt on Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune awaited Susan Putt who was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune, which was telecast Thursday evening. Susan, a retired ONU English professor, won a trip to Iceland and cash prizes that totaled $24,168.
She mentioned Ohio Northern as her former place of employment and cheerily said, “Go ‘Bears” when host Pat Sajak introduced her. She acknowledged her husband Harold, a retired math prof, along with her sister Judy and friends Becky and Linda who were in the audience to root her on.
Susan was the overall winner so she chose “Place” category for the bonus round. 

A conservation program for farmers

Agricultural producers wanting to enhance current conservation efforts are encouraged to apply for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).


Through CSP, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) helps private landowners build their business while implementing conservation practices that help ensure the sustainability of their entire operation. NRCS plans to enroll up to 10 million acres in CSP in 2018. 


While applications for CSP are accepted year-round, applications must be received by March 2, 2018, to be considered for this funding period.


Look who's on the Ada honor roll!

A student you know

Here is the second nine-week Ada school honor roll for 2017-18.


All A:  Madison Baldazo, Lydia Demascio, Jocelyn Downer, Eli Esguerra, Slade Gossman, Kaylie Klear, Emma Lambdin, Sami Rettig, Ayla Tabler and Josh Thaxton

These students know their way around the globe

Geography Bee top three finishers

By Monty Siekerman
Here are the winners of the Geography Bee at Ada Schools on Tuesday (from left) Isaac Williams, first, 8th grade; Jacob Sutherly, second, 7th grade; Josh Thaxton, third, 4th grade.

Now, the winners take a written test to see if they qualify for state competition. Materials are prepared by the National Geographic Society. The local competition is sponsored by Ada Academic Boosters.

Mrs. Suzanne Hardesty has coordinated the event for the past 12 years. She and Mike Styer are judges. All students in grades 4-8 took a test in their classrooms to qualify to represent their grade.

Get your dog tags


January 31 is the deadline to purchase dog tags. After that date, tags will cost twice as much. Tags may be purchased at the Liberty National Bank in Ada or the dog shelter in Kenton.
