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United Way falls short of goal

The current United Way campaign raised $178,000 of its $220,000 goal. Therefore, it will not be able to meet all of requests of the 20 partner agencies. Donations are still being accepted. Added funds will be awarded to agencies whose allotment was reduced.

Super Powers for a Super You

Are you interested in focusing on your Super Powers for a healthier you this Spring? Could you use some encouragement and guidance but don’t have time to attend classes? Give ourSuper Powers for a Super You! wellness challenge a try.      


Juniors rule

112th Ada High School Interclass competition

By Monty Siekerman
Interclass, a synonym for academic excellence, was won by the Junior Class at Ada High School on Friday night at the school auditorium. 

Individual winners were Erryk Katayama, a senior, for essay; Lyric Jones, a senior, for poetry; Austin Amburgey, a junior, for short story; and Jacob Colwell, a junior, for dramatic reading. 

Jumbo Jr. Farmer’s 4-H meeting report

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club held their first meeting on  March 12, at 6:30 p.m.. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kevin Smith followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Asher Bridenstine.  Each member introduced himself to the club. 25 members with 3 advisors and 9 parents/guests were present.

Election of officers was held. The 2018 officers are: President- Alexa Lowry; Vice President- Grant Smith; Treasurer- Drew Hoppe; Secretary- Helena Taylor; Reporter Noah Ketcham; Health- Claire Ketcham; Safety- Tate Ketcham; Recreation: Jeffery Bushong, Isaac Fent, Dylan Lowry, Quinn Dyer, Kevin Smith and Adelyn Bridenstine

Eight Ada artists in Kewpee show

Symaya Tasnim, Callee Young, Keli Trudeau, Klava Katayama, Kendal Guagenti, Noah Matson

By Monty Siekerman
Eight Ada High School students have had work accepted in the Kewpee High School Art Invitational now on display at Art Space in Lima. The work of two local students was judged tops in printmaking.

Jonathan Rettig’s “The Hand” won first and Kylie Guagenti’s “Reflective” received second place in printmaking.

Governor's Show art piece

Kendal Guagenti's still life on exhibit in Columbus

By Monty Siekerman
Kendal Guagenti had an untitled still life painting accepted for the Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition to be shown at the James Rhodes Office Tower in Columbus from April 22 until May 17.

Also, Melina Woods and Lyric Jones had paintings selected for two side exhibitions, which will be shown at the same time in the state department in Columbus. Three hundred  paintings were chosen for the three shows from 12,000 works.
