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Goshen Youth 4-H Club meets 

Goshen Youth 4-H Club will kick off the 2019 4-H season with a sign-up meeting at the First Baptist Church, 11543 Co Rd 175, Kenton at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 31.

This is a meeting for returning and new members to get a chance to sign up for online enrollment, computers will be available. 

Advisers will be available to answer questions about projects, and help families choose projects for the 2019 4-H season.

Advisors are Miriam Dulin 419-674-7277, Renee Dunahue 419-673-6359, and DeWayne Weaver 567-674-4627.

Copies of the meeting schedule will be available.

3-14 means its National Pi Day

Some math student eat pies, some engineering students simply throw pies

Anyone with math on the brain knows that today is National Pi Day. March 14…pi R Squared. Remember that from your high school geometry class?

If you are still wondering, the formula used to determine the circle's radius is r = C / 2. Pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and is approximately equal to 3.14 – thus March 14 (3-14). Get it now?

It’s also a day restaurants celebrate.

But, in Ada two celebrations took place. One at Ada High School. The other in the Engineering Department at Ohio Northern.

Students to hear an Indian short story

Theatre artist from India to visit Ada HS English class

Irfana Majumdar, a theatre artist from India, will discuss an Indian short story with an Ada High School English students in a class taught by Melody Veltri on  Thursday, March 14,

Irfana Majumdar is a director, performer and filmmaker based in India and the United States.

She and her husband, Gaurav Saini, are serving as residence artists at Ohio Northern University during spring semester as well as engaging in community outreach. Their residency is supported by funding from the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence program as well as the ONU Theatre Arts Department.


Meet the 2019 Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club officers

By Wyatt Fisher, Club Reporter

The Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club held our second meeting of the year on Sunday, March 10.

We started our meeting with roll call to take attendance, followed by The pledge of Allegiance and our 4-H pledge.

There were demonstrations given by Riley Ferguson, Brody Erickson, Wyatt Ferguson, and myself.

We also had our election of officers, we voted on our 4H binder covers for best cover, and we also voted on a new t-shirt design! As always we wrapped our meeting up with a snack and refreshments!

Introducing the Spectre Wallet

Invented by ONU grade Jeremiah Skow, "to distrupt the status quo"

FROM ONU WEBSITE - After winning Ohio Northern University’s version of the hit television show Shark Tank as a senior, Jeremiah Skow, BSBA ’14 grad, is setting his sights on the real thing.

In 2013, Skow won first place at the ONU Polar Pitch Competition for his idea for a credit card-ejecting wallet. In addition to a $1,000 prize, he received support from then-dean of the Dicke College of Business Administration Dr. James Fenton to patent his invention, and Spectre Wallets was born.

Kiwanians "Zoom"

Members receive a training session on internet program

Joe Ferguson presented Ada Kiwanis membrers with a training session on Zoom. It's a program that allows club meetings to be conducted via the internet.

"Zoom Meetings for desktop and mobile provides the tools to make every meeting a great one," said Ferguson.

He noted that Zoom Focus on your meeting works like this: Click record to leave the note taking to Zoom’s auto-generated, searchable transcripts. It can also have and play videos with full audio and video transmit without uploading the content
