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Ohio Northern University

University to conduct drug take-back day April 11

Ohio Northern University’s chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) will conduct “Medication Disposal Day” in both the Hardin Memorial Hospital parking lot and the ONU parking lot on the corner of South Main and E. College Avenue on Saturday, April 11, from 9 a.m. to noon.

The Wright Brothers would have been proud of these "Bad News Bears"

The Ohio Northern University student chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) captured seventh place at the SAE Aero Design East competition in Lakeland, Fla., from March 13-15.

The ONU team, nicknamed the “Bad News Bears,” participated in the “Regular Class” of the competition and competed among a field of 37 teams in the “Regular Class,” including national championship teams from Brazil, Canada, Puerto Rico, India, and Poland.

Gentlemen, start your Baja car engines

ONU students design, build, test, and race a Baja car. And, they do it as a academic credit...just the joy of learning and competing.

A couple of years ago the local team ranked third in points on the international level. The Baja Race Series has more than 100 teams and is sanctioned by the Society of Automotive Engineers. 

In April and May they will race in three states from coast to coast. Working on the project is open to all students, although civil and mechanical engineering students seem to be in the majority.

Community Pharmacy Foundation awards College of Pharmacy MTM grant

The Community Pharmacy Foundation has awarded the Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy a grant to fund a “Pharmacist Provision of Preconception Care Through Medication Therapy Management (MTM)” study.

The goals of the research are to raise awareness and educate community pharmacists about preconception care and providing preconception care through MTM, and to pilot a proof-of-concept model demonstrating the impact pharmacists can have in providing elements of preconception care through a potentially sustainable reimbursement model.

ONU receives high marks for ROI

Ohio Northern University is ranked among the top schools in the nation and in the state of Ohio for its students’ tuition return on investment (ROI), according to the recently released 2015 PayScale College ROI Report.

Nationally, ONU ranked in the top third for private schools and ONU placed 112th for private universities out of 407 institutions for ROI. The newly released college report also looked at salary potential for graduates and ONU ranked 156 out of 550 private institutions to place in the top third nationwide.

Ohio Northern University holds panel discussion on human trafficking

Ohio Northern University will present a panel discussion on human trafficking in the McIntosh Ballroom on Wednesday, April 1, at 6:30 p.m.

The event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the ONU Department of History, Politics and Justice; the ONU Department of Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice; the ONU Getty College of Arts & Sciences, the ONU Office of the President; the ONU Office of Academic Affairs; Lexis Nexis; and the ONU Student Senate.
