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Ohio Northern University

Student honored with C Student Community Service Award

Ohio Northern University student Laura Avino, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Buffalo, N.Y., has been honored with the 2015 Charles J. Ping Student Community Service Award from Ohio Campus Compact.

ONU University Chaplain David MacDonald, nominated Avino for the award. “As president of Habitat for Humanity, Laura has worked hard to make sure that the eight officers who serve under her are comfortable in their jobs and able to perform at their highest levels,” MacDonald said. “She is a great encourager and is always willing to lend a helping hand. In all of her involvement, she has shown great leadership skills and often takes on a formal leadership role.”

Student awarded Public Health Practice Award

Ohio Northern University student Jeremiah Barnes, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Seymour, Ind., was awarded the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award for his dedication to public health during Ohio Northern University’s Honors Day this past weekend.  The award was presented to Barnes by USPHS, Lieutenant Edward R. Kay.

2015 Raabe College of Pharmacy commencement set for May 10

Ohio Northern University will celebrate its 131st Raabe College of Pharmacy Commencement Ceremony in the Sports Center on Sunday, May 10, at 9 a.m.

To commemorate the event, Ohio Sen. Dave Burke, a 1990 ONU pharmacy graduate, will deliver the commencement address for the pharmacy program and receive an honorary degree. Lydia (Weaver) Bailey, a graduating sixth-year pharmacy major from Columbus, Ohio, will deliver the student address.

Ohio Northern University 2015 undergraduate ceremony May 10

Ohio Northern University will celebrate its 2015 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony in the ONU Sports Center on Sunday, May 10, at 2 p.m.

Keith Krach, chairman and CEO of DocuSign, The Global Standard for Digital Transaction Management, will serve as the undergraduate commencement speaker. Elizabeth Lendrum, a 2015 candidate for graduation in biology from Shreve, Ohio, will serve as the student commencement speaker

ONU Pettit College of Law commencement May 17

Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law will celebrate its 2015 commencement ceremony in the ONU Sports Center on Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m. Approximately 100 students will be awarded degrees, and Daniel DiBiasio, Ohio Northern University president, will preside.

The ONU Sports Center is scheduled to open for the commencement exercises at 12:30 p.m. A musical prelude will begin at 1:30 p.m., followed by the procession of faculty and Juris Doctor candidates.

College of Law records second highest bar passage rate for graduates taking test for first time

Graduates of the Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law continued their record of outstanding achievement on the Ohio bar examination with a passage rate of 75 percent, which ranks second among students from all Ohio law schools who took the examination in February 2015 for the first time. In addition, ONU was third overall in the state for individuals taking the bar exam, which was nearly 10 percent higher than the statewide average.   
