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Ohio Northern University

ONU students win awards

ONU students continue to distinguish themselves through their academic and creative exploits. Students recently earned honors in accounting and finance, mathematics, and poetry. 

The team of Matthew Golden, Zack Goodchild and Takumi Kijima won the 2017 Ohio Mathematical Association of America Student Team Competition. 

Meanwhile, ONU’s team placed first in the Beta Alpha Psi team competition during the business group’s Midwest Regional Meeting in Indianapolis. 

Also, student Rachel Cruea earned an outstanding poetry award at the annual conference of Sigma Tau Delta national English honorary.

DZs doin' good

Sisters of Delta Zeta sorority picked up litter along both sides of SR 235 for a mile just north of Ada on Wednesday afternoon. It was a hot job with the temperature of 82 at the time just a few degrees below the record high for April 26. Here, they hold up part of the "loot" of rubbish that ne'er-do-wells tossed from their vehicles. When you travel the clean looking roadside, you can thank these ladies (from left) Monica Foutty, Storm Smith, Gabby Molgaard, and Kayla Baxendell for a job well done.

Composer workshop is Wednesday

ONU's composer workshop is slated for 8 pm on Wednesday in Presser Hall. The event is free and open to the public. The program will feature music written by ONU students.

Yews at ONU

Yews, in the middle of the Science Complex, clipped to perfection, thanks to the grounds department, spelling out ONU.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes gather in the Kennedy Garden on Sunday afternoon to plan Tuesday's bonfire. The Kennedy Garden, adjacent to English Chapel, is in honor of the daughter and granddaughter of the school's founder.

Don't throw in the towel, throw a disc instead

ONU Disc Golf Club held its first tourney Sunday with 15 competitors aiming at 20 holes over a two-hour period to see who was the best. It takes a lot of discs to play, as evident in the pack held by Colin Frank. Each disc serves its own purpose depending on the throw that is needed. Adam Smith is club president.
