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Ada's latest news

Meanwhile, outside

The early lunch line up is underway at Cosi. Meanwhile, outside the window trim is getting painted.

Tuesday's Ada Public Library levy is a renewal

It's not a new tax; typical homeowner assessed $1.66 per month

One of the local issues on the Nov. 8 ballot is an Ada Public Library renewal levy. The Icon held an in-depth discussion about the levy with Amanda Bennett, library director.

Icon: Why is this levy important for the Ada Public Library?
Bennett: Due to library funding cuts, libraries, through 2015, we are still functioning on the same budget schedules as they had been in the late 1990s.

Voters passed the library's first 1-mil levy for operating costs in 2012. On Nov. 8  is a renewal of that levy.

Something planned every day in November at Vancrest

Monthly newsletter now on Ada Icon

Vancrest of Ada has lots of events planned in November. In fact, something takes place very day during the month according to Randy Cox, administrator.

These events and several features on Vancrest are listed in "The Ada Articles," the Vancrest monthly newsletter.

The newsletter features as employee spolight, resident spotlight, several new features coming to Vancrest plus the daily activity calendar.

Viewers may read the newsletter in a printer-friendly format in the attachment below.


Art exhibit and fundraiser Saturday at Alger Public Library

Friends of the Alger Public Library (L-R) Marissa Osborne, President; Lydia Osborne, Secretary;  Jane Wilcox, Treasurer; Kathy Herfurth, Library Director) display the trophies and ribbons for winners and participants in the second annual SECOND EXPRESSION, a juried art exhibition and fundraiser for Hardin County Artists and the Alger Public Library held Saturday, Nov. 5, from 5 to 7 p.m.

SECOND EXPRESSION was inspired by the financial need of the Alger Public Library and the desire to provide visibility and income opportunity for the artists in Hardin County. 

Century 21 open house on East North Avenue

Sunday, Nov. 6, from 3:30-5 p.m.

Becky Neville of Century 21 Sunway Realty announces an open house of a listing at 203 E. North, Ave., Ada, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 6.

The residence was built in 2005. It has three bedrooms, two baths and 1,416 square-feet of living area.

Persons wanting more information may contact Neville at [email protected] or call 419-675-2333.

B&B Handyman For Hire scheduling indoor remodeling projects

And, still available to clean gutters for winter

Rod Badertscher of B&B Handyman for Hire is now scheduling indoor remodel projects. In addition, the company continues to schedule gutter cleaning.

Contact Badertscher at 419-302-2836.
