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Letter: 4-H and FFA poultry displays shown in Goshen Barn at Hardin Fair

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The Hardin County Fair is just around the corner, and it is a very exciting time for the youth in our community.  They have put a lot of hard work into their 4-H and FFA projects and are ready to show them off.  While many are preparing their animals for show, our youth with poultry projects may be feeling a bit of disappointment.

As many know, poultry exhibits have been banned from all fairs in the state. Our youth will not be bringing their birds to the fair, but will instead display educational posters about their projects, including photos of their birds.

Letter: Thanks to all who assisted in this year's Red Cross Learn to Swim Program

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The 2015 Red Cross Learn To Swim Program is completed for this summer. 

This year 75 students participated in the rainy days of lessons. I would like to thank the Village of Ada for the facility to hold the lessons. The water was wonderful, although a bit cool, the pool area was always clean and ready for our use and the lifeguards were very attentive to the swimmers. The pool staff had the facility open and ready for the volunteers and swimmers every morning.      

Letter: Red Cross 2015 Learn To Swim Program invites volunteers to assist

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Summer is here and so has the time for Red Cross Swimming Lessons! As in past years the Ada Learn To Swim Program is in need of aides to assist with the lessons.

Ages 12 and up, including adults are encourage to sign up to help others learn swimming
skills. As little as an hour each day of lessons is helpful. Lessons begin the week of July 6  for two weeks Monday through Friday each week.

Help is needed on deck for paperwork as well as in the water.  You do not need to be a good swimmer to help others...we'll help you as well:)

Letter: Ada Learn to Swim Program needs volunteers

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Summer has arrived and so has the time for Red Cross Swimming Lessons!  As in past years the Ada Learn To Swim Program is in need of aides to assist with the lessons.

Ages 12 and up, including adults are encourage to sign up to help others learn swimming
skills.  As little as an hour each day of lessons is helpful.  Lessons begin the week of July 7  for 2 weeks Monday through Friday each week.

Help is needed on deck for paperwork as well as in the water. You do not need to be a good swimmer to help others...we'll help you as well:)

Celebration of Life for Charla Mankey July 19

Celebration of Life for Charla Mankey

Come join the family and grand kids when we celebrate Charla Mankey's wonderful life. Mark your calendar now for Saturday, July 19, 2014 at 1 p.m. at the Mankey house- 4268 St. Rt. 81, Ada, Ohio 45810.

We will begin this celebration by releasing balloons in remembrance of Charla Mankey's life. Bring your drinks, chairs and swim suits.

July was the time when Charla loved spending time with her family and grand kids at their house. She will be truly missed by everyone especially her grand kids. We love and miss you grandma!

The family of Charla Mankey

Letter - Identify signs of communications disorders during Better Hearing and Speech Month

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With 8%–9% of young children suffering from speech disorders, May’s Better Hearing and Speech Month is the perfect time for parents to learn how to recognize the early signs of these disorders. I am encouraging parents to educate themselves through the Identify the Signs campaign, a national effort of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

The campaign is designed to combat an overall lack of awareness about communication disorders—a major barrier to treatment for the more than 40 million total Americans who suffer.
