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Iconoclast View

Where is this gigantic Ada smile?

Know where you'll find this gigantic Ada smile?

Hint: you may see it when you are hungry.

Answer: these are on the tables at McDonald's in Ada.

Where in Ada is LXXV?

Q: Know where this can be found with the Roman numerals LXXV?

A: It is part of the banner of the Ada Kiwanis Club, having received the patch on its 75th anniversary.

Always looking for a news tip

Always looking for news tips on campus and in the community, The Ada Icon editor Monty Siekerman welcomes news and photo ideas. Call or text him at 419-303-3439 or email him at [email protected]. The Ada Icon---where Ada gets its news. Check us out at and on Facebook.
Fred Steiner
Ada Icon
CELL: 419-889-3065
[email protected]

Got news? Call me!

Got news? The Ada Icon editor Monty Siekerman welcomes news and photo ideas. Call or text 419-303-3439 or email him at [email protected]. The Ada Icon---where Ada gets its news. Check us out at and on Facebook.

Imagine this: Viewers read 221,930 Icon pages in 2016

And viewers from 146 countries opened the Icon last year

By Monty Siekerman
You can spell success A-D-A-I-C-O-N.

The year 2016 began with the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce naming the Ada Icon the Business of the Year, which is unusual for a company that began less than three years ago.

Why such an honor?

Owners Fred and Mary Steiner developed a product that meets the needs of the community: providing news and photographs of local people and events that affect the lives of residents.

Here's the proof:

• There were 221,930 page views last year, an astounding 24 percent increase in one year.

Dreaming of Christmases, like the ones I used to know

A highlight of the season was a shopping trip to downtown Lima

No question about it.

My memories of the best Christmas ever come in a package wrapped from stores located in the Lima public square.

I know. It's sounds impossible to viewers born after Neil A. walked on the moon; but it's true.

There was nothing...nothing like going to Lima and shopping downtown for Christmas.

Picture this: Somewhere on South Main, Lima, there was Porter's Music Store. You could actually select a 33 1/3 rpm album, enter a listening booth and listen to the album in privacy. That way you'd know if you wanted to buy it or pass.
