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Dancing with the Ada Stars on Freed Center stage Oct. 4

The Ohio Northern University Freed Center for the Performing Arts presents “Dancing with the Ada Stars” on Saturday, Oct. 4, at 8:30 p.m. for the 2014 Homecoming performance. 


Claudia Crawford wins First United Methodist Women's quilt

Claudia Crawford is the winner of the quilt made by the Ada First United Methodist Women, "A Winter's Tale," designed by Cathy Smalley. 

The winner's name was drawn at the Harvest and Herb Fest last Saturday.  All proceeds from the quilt support missions.

Pictured are some of the people who worked on the quilt together with Claudia and her family.

From left to right:  Lora Smith, Janet Roll, Doris Cotsamire, Samantha, Joseph, Matt, and Claudia Crawford, and Cathy Smalley.

Brick over brick

Ada Presbyterian Church has brickwork renovation underway this month. Here's the view from the Hays Insurance parking lot.

ONU cheerleaders, coaches offer cheerleading clinic Oct. 11

The Ohio Northern University cheerleaders and their coaches will hold a cheerleading clinic from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, at McIntosh Center on the ONU campus.
Participants in the clinic will perform during the first quarter of the ONU vs. Mount Union football game.

The clinic is open to those in kindergarten through grade 12. Participants will be divided into mini squads by age. Those with previous experience in stunting and tumbling will be placed in appropriate mini squads -- not necessarily by age – by the ONU coaches.

Ada midget football and cheerleading teams hold Cancer Walk Oct. 12

The Ada midget football and cheerleading teams will hold their second annual Cancer Walk from 12:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12 at War Memorial Park, Ada. The walk is open to anyone in the Ada community, including parents, students, coaches, and athletes. 

Those wishing to participate may purchase a purple t-shirt or hoodie commemorating the event and all participants are encouraged to wear their t-shirts or hoodies during the walk. All proceeds of the walk and shirt sale will benefit Not By Choice Outreach in Kenton.


Two students at the ONU pre-school practice their ability to walk a straight line on a long during recess.
