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Ada's latest news

University’s annual Spotts Lecture to focus on ‘Creative Collisions’

John Nottingham, co-founder and co-president of Nottingham Spirk, and Jason Ertel, engineering program director for Nottingham Spirk, will be the featured speakers for the Ohio Northern University Spotts Lecture in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Monday, Feb. 22, at 7:30 p.m. The duo’s speech, “Creative Collisions,” is free and open to the public.

Nottingham is the co-founder and co-president of Nottingham Spirk (NS), a leading business innovation firm with nearly 1,000 commercialized patents. The Nottingham Spirk “Vertical Innovation” process has helped client/partner companies earn more than $50 billion in combined sales.

"Corn University," and "Soybean School" coming to ONU in March - audience of 900 anticipated

That's right, for two days in early March, you might as well refer to Ohio Northern University as Corn University and Soybean School.


The Conservation Tillage Conference will be held at the McIntosh Center Wednesday and Thursday, March 2 and 3. It's an event put on by The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).

Over 900 persons are expected to attend.

CTC will offer many presentations to help growers learn where to cut back while ensuring they have healthy soils, healthy water and hopefully a healthy bank account.

Nate's a Wild Steel-ion

Nate Hall, a member of The Wild Steel-ions, with parents Jamie and Valerie Hall and grandparents, Norm and Kay Rex.

Nate performed with a group at a steel drum concert in Presser Hall on Saturday evening. (Monty Siekerman photo)


Rotarians' bowling event make everyone a winner

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
When a person in business hears the word "strike," he cringes.

A "strike" in baseball isn't good either, if you are the batter. But a "strike" in bowling is a winner. And a business bowling tournament on Tuesday was a winner for scholarships.


The Ada Rotary Club sponsored the tourney at Norada Lanes to raise funds for two $1,000 scholarships that the civic club awards each year: bowling for a good cause, and fun, too.

Pharmacy student receives Northwest Ohio Pharmacists Scholarship

Shayla Siefker, a fifth-year Ohio Northern University pharmacy student from Ottoville, Ohio, was named the Northwest Ohio Pharmacists Association (NWOPA) Scholarship award-winner for the 2015-16 academic year.

NWOPA officials presented Siefker with a $750 scholarship award at an awards ceremony in Lima, on Jan. 28. Students were evaluated on several metrics, and judges blindly selected the winner from a pool of nine other finalists.

Going up

Exactly how tall this Ready, Set, Grow student can build his tower is anyone's guess. It's fun and challenging at the same time.
