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Kiwanians learn how Harvest Pride Tortilla Chips are made

By Jon Umphress
Denny Hensel updated Ada Kiwanis Club members on March 22 about Harvest Pride Tortilla Chips, which he and his family operate in Ada. 

Hensel first gave some of his personal history. He grew up in Dola and graduated from Hardin Northern.  He and his family farm about 900 acres.

He worked at Rockwell for 30 years. In 1987 he started a corn cleaning operation for other tortilla chip makers.  His first customer was Seyfert Foods in Fort Wayne.  He was selling 4 or 5 semi-loads of cleaned corn a week. 

Taxman cometh

By Monty Siekerman

The taxman cometh soon. Deadline for free tax assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is Tuesday, April 5. To make make an appointment call 419-772-2075.

Here, ONU Professor Dr. Dexter Woods confers with one of his students, Patrick Jeffries, about a client's tax information.

The students prepare the federal, state, and school tax forms which are then reviewed by Professor Woods before being sent electronically. It's free to those who earn $54,000 or less and have taxes that are not complicated

Just in time for Easter

Floral designer Paula Braun prepares a spring bouquet at Carol Slane Florist to grace someone's table at Easter.  The local flower shop also has lilies and other spring bulbs to give at the holiday. (Monty Siekerman photo)

A craft and vendor fair for a good cause

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
There was a good turnout of sellers and buyers at the craft and vendor fair held at the Ada VFW on Saturday. All proceeds went to help Amelia Griffin and her family help pay medical expenses. Amelia, 5, has cancer.

• Stacy Manns at Your Inspiration at Home table, offering many flavors, such as dips, seasonings, glazes and spices.

• Shirley Matthewson (left) places an order with Jessica Jordan for LimeLight. Jessica was chairperson for the craft and vendor.

Wave those palms! A Palm Sunday photo essay

Photo essay by Ken Collins

Wave those palms!

The Sunday before Easter is a Christian celebration. It’s Palm Sunday.

Ken Collins photographed portions of the service at First United Methodist Church, Ada. His photos tell a story that don’t need words as this celebration was a universal event in churches across America.

Open the attachment below to view the photos.

Bluffton business expo showcases 25 area businesses on Thursday

Adaa residents are invited to a Bluffton business expo where they can view products and services of over 25 local businesses.

It’s the Bluffton Oscars Mix and Mingle business expo, at The Centre, 601 N. Main St., on Thursday, March 24, from 5 to 7 p.m.

• Admission is free – plus free snacks including:
• free pizza from Luke’s Bar and Grill
• free popcorn from Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn
• free  appetizers and a cash bar from The Centre
• door prizes drawing throughout the evening

Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs, partnering with Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce and The Centre are the event sponsors.
