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Kritzler Lecture to focus on ‘Role of Fundamental Science in Our Energy Future’

Ohio Northern University’s 2016 Kritzler Lecture will be delivered by James K. McCusker, professor of chemistry and director of the Center of Research Excellence in Complex Materials at Michigan State University, in the Dicke Forum on Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m.

The topic of McCusker’s lecture will be “An Inorganic Chemist in ExxonMobil’s Court: The Role of Fundamental Science in Our Energy Future.”

Ada Music Boosters fundraiser has something for you

Back by popular demand, the Ada Music Boosters are kicking off a spring fundraisers to help raise $5,000.

The funds will be used to hire a choreographer for Varsity Singers, as well as to fund travel expenses and a replacement trailer for use by all music groups.  The detergent sale is designed to help you save money on things you normally buy anyway!

The detergent sale features several varieties of detergents and fabric softeners, including those formulated for high efficiency washing machines. 

ONU presents journalist Kelsey Timmerman

Ohio Northern University presents journalist Kelsey Timmerman in the McIntosh Center Ballroom on Wednesday, April 6, at 7 p.m. Timmerman’s presentation, “Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories and People That Make Our Clothes,” is part of ONU’s “Unite for Awareness Week,” a student-driven initiative to bring attention to issues of discrimination.

University announces the creation of the Toby Clark Resident Research Award

Ohio Northern University’s Raabe College of Pharmacy, in partnership with the Ohio Pharmacy Resident Conference, has announced the creation of the Toby Clark Resident Research Award, which will be awarded annually during the Ohio Pharmacy Resident Conference to a resident demonstrating excellence in pharmacy practice research. The recipient will receive a plaque at the Ohio Pharmacy Resident Conference and will have their name and year inscribed on an award to be displayed inside ONU’s College of Pharmacy.

St Mark's Lutheran reaching making an all-out community outreach

By Monty Siekerman
St. Marks Lutheran Church, at Lincoln and Johnson, is making an all out effort at community outreach. They have these programs underway:

* Bible study at 9:30 am every Sunday.

* Worship service at 10:45 am.

* Breakfast and fellowship the first Sunday of every month at 9 am.

* Free community supper the last Wednesday of the month between 5 and 6:30 pm.

* Christian movies and snacks the third Saturday of every month at 7 pm.

* Board games (bring your own or play one of theirs) the third Sunday at noon.

ONU pharmacy students serving the community

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman
Pharmacy students served the community on Tuesday morning when they brought HealthWise to the United Methodist Church.

HealthWise is a program for all area residents to have free tests done and have health questions answered.

The students will return to the church again from 8 am until noon on April 12, 26, May 10, 24.

They will also be at Hardin Northern Community Center from 8 until noon on April 7, 21, May 5, 19.

Blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar were tested this week. Body mass index, bone mineral density, and dermatology skin scope inspections may be offered at other times.
