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Ada's latest news

They've been working on the railroad

The engineering students have done their job. Now it's up to Village Council to decide the painting and refurbishing of the caboose in Railroad Depot Park.  The students (from left, Victoria Smith, Cam Brown, Nick Hess, Sam Kerber) studied what needed to be done and talked with businesses to get an estimate of the cost: $11,736 for exterior sandblasting and painting, roof repair, and stenciling. Perhaps service clubs or individuals may help with some of the costs. The students reported that the railroad ties the caboose sits upon would last several more years.

Ada Library Building Committee Meeting

Just a reminder that there is a meeting of the Ada Public Library Building Committee, a committee of the Library's Board of Trustees, Wednesday, April 13th at 9a.m.

As always, this meeting is open to all!

Musical wind

Ken Collins attended the Sunday's ONU Department of Music instrumental ensembles concert in Snyder Recital Hall. Here's a view of the woodwind choir performance, directed by Lucinda Altstaetter. (Ken Collins photo) 

Cindy Boehm message to students: "Don't ever give up"

Compiled by Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Cindy Boehm, second grade teacher, whose advice is “don’t ever give up.”  Cindy’s 29 years in the profession is a testament to that stamina, her spiritual foundation, and her joy in working with children.

Subjects and grades currently teaching.
I teach second grade all subjects. 

How much mulch do you need? The Ada Lions now taking orders

Ada Lions Club launches its biggest fundraiser of the year and you can dig it.

It’s the club’s annual mulch sale. While the sale starts May 7, club members are taking orders now.

All proceeds go to the club’s scholarship fund. Since 2000 the club has awarded $61,000 in scholarship money as a result of the sale, according to Chad Hays of the club.

Here’s the details:
Mulch can be picked up Saturdays after 8 a.m. at Bass Trucking 0410 State Route 81, Ada. Deliveries are available on Saturdays only.

Mulch cost:
• Brown mulch: $30 per Bobcat scoop

• Black mulch: $35 per Bobcat scoop

When did automatic crossing gates arrive in Ada? Ask Lee Crouse

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

On Feb. 16, 1960 automated crossing gates were in operation at all three Ada rail crossings. The cost of the gates was $75,000.

On Wednesday Feb. 17, 1960, the watchman’s tower, which stood at Main Street for half a century was removed.

Old-timers recalled Vance Botkin as a watchman and more recently Ernest Nixon and James Curtis.

