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Ada's latest news

Prom, Hawaiian dance, soccer shoot-out and more at Ada HS

Here's the latest from the Ada school website:

GIRLS VARISTY SOCCER PLAYERS pick up a registration form for the ONU Soccer Camp from Coach Hunt. The completed form and $25 fee is due on April 27.

Water colors not required

By Monty Siekerman

One of two Ada water towers - the one with Wilson's logo - will be repaired and repainted  this summer.

Council approved a bid of $208,000 from LC United Painting of Sterling Heights, Mich., to do the work.

Wilson's will pay the cost of having their lettering on the 100,000-gallon tank tower, as before.

Hootenannies meet twins Saint and Patrick

By Riley Fleece, reporter

The Hardin County Hootenannies met at Faith Holbrook's farm. 

President Faith opened the meeting asking Riley Fleece to lead the American Pledge and Levi Beiler to say the 4-H pledge.  Secretary Elisha Lowery took roll call and read the minutes from last meeting. 

Levi Beiler did his Health and Saftey report on Don't Text and Drive.  The next Health and Saftey Report will be done by Seth Davis on May 1st.  

Money will be due for our 4-H T-shirts and Hoodies on that date as well.  $8 for T's and $20 for hoodies.  

This is more like it

Now this is more like it. April, as we like it, finally arrived in Ada. The park is a popular place to enjoy warm spring weather. (Ken Collins photo)

Here's Tuesday's Ada council agenda

Ada council will meet at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 19. The agenda is an attachment to this story.

Face in a Simon Street tree?

Ken Collins, Icon photographer, asks Icon viewers a question:

Is there really a face in this tree along Simon Street, or do I have an over-active imagination?

We think he's on to something.
