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Ada's latest news

Skyler, boxer mix, Icon's dog of the week

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Here's Skyler, 1-year-old old male boxer mix, 42 pound

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.

Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Icon's rhubarb pie aged 1 year in the freezer

Try cleaning out your freezer. You never know what you’ll find. I did. I found a bag of rhubarb cut from last summer (2015 vintage).

It was encased in a global-formed block of ice and looked pretty shameful.

But, you know the saying, pour on some sugar – just a little – and suddenly you have the ingredients for a pie.

Recalling that quote, I went to work. This meant halting my house-cleaning job. Instead I put on my baking cap. Here’s what happened next.

I nuked the block of ice for 60 second and found the cut rhubarb. Gave it another 30 or so, and the rhubarb begged to become a pie.

...and The Cadets - tonight at Dial-Roberson Stadium

The Cadets, one of the oldest and most honored continuously operating drum and bugle corps in the country, will perform at Ohio Northern University’s Dial-Roberson Stadium on Monday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public.

The nationally renowned corps will present its 2016 production, “Awakening.” The corps also will perform patriotic selections and classics from past seasons.

Over the past month, the Cadets, consisting of 150 members between the ages of 16 and 22, has practiced and perfected its show at ONU for the upcoming year. A program of Youth Education in the Arts, the group has members from all over the country and world.

ONU national tour choir performs tonight at Freed Center

The Ohio Northern University National Tour Choir will conclude its 2016 national tour with a home concert in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Monday, June 20, at 8 p.m.
This event is free and open to the public. A freewill offering for the touring group will be taken.

Habitat for birds

"I think most any bird will like this house." Soon there will be more happy birds in Ada because the Ada Public Library sponsored a birdhouse making project on Saturday afternoon at the library for kids in the second through fifth grades. Seventeen people built houses with the help of Barb Wiswell of Lima Lowe's. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Here's what's happening in this Icon "Weekend" edition

It’s an Icon Weekend. And, there’s lots going on.

The Icon’s 11-page weekend feature - CLICK HERE TO OPEN – offers a window to the events and activities in the Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon viewership areas from Saturday, June 18, through Friday, June 24.

"Weekend" is also accessible as an attachment at the bottom of this story.
