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Historical Ada

Can you identify this Ada HS class?

It's tough to come up with a more popular photo than last week's 1967 band photo, but we'll try.

Here's the Ada high School class of 1988 - you can tell by the "big" hair - 30 school years ago.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

1908 in Ada:

January 25 and 26, 1908 the first annual convention of the Lambda Tau Delta Fraternity was held at Ada, Ohio, the home of the fraternity.

March 1908 the Hilliard girls, a high school team from Columbus, aspirants for state championship, were defeated by the Ada All Stars, 23-1, the local girls winning the state trophy.

Here comes the band - from 1967-68

Here's an interesting posed photo from the 1968 Ada High School yearbook. It shows several band members. Two Icon viewers who are members of the AHS class of 1968 provided IDs.

• From left, kneeling, Richard Roth; sitting on drum, Mary Hubbell.
• Back from left,  Carol Baughman, Director/teacher Max Ansley, Debbie Wirt,    Joyce Stobbe, Carol Bischoff, Linda English and Sharon Rodabaugh.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

1907 in Ada:

April 1907 B.H. Tarleton of the Magnetic Fire Alarm company brought from Toledo Ada’s first automobile, a Reo.

April 1907 The Ada High School held its first interclass contest.

October 1907 Lieut. Holcomb drove his large automobile from Lima to Ada in 35 minutes, the fastest time ever made between the two towns via highway.

Landon's College Book Store

In 1953 Landon's College Book Store was the place in Ada where you could purchase sporting goods, typewriters and new and used college text books. George and LeIrma McElroy were the proprietors. The book store served ONU for over 50 years.

Can an Icon viewer identify the location of the bookstore for the record?

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]


July 1910 the Manufacture of Knit Goods to be Begun Here as Soon as Machinery Can be Placed, this was an announcement in the Ada Record July 13, 1910. About 1909 some Ada people bought a knitting factory at Wapakoneta, Ohio and in 1910 moved it to the Brewer Block at Ada on the second floor. The manager was to be W.H. Roper from LaPorte, Indiana. This factory was to employ mostly women.
