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Historical Ada

Where you on the staff of "The Voice"?

Here's the staff of Ada High School "The Voice." Names of the staff members are under the photo. The school year is 1968-69.

Once upon a time in Ada

When did President Theodore Roosevelt stop in Ada?

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

Ada in 1910:

May 1910 the first annual to be published by a senior class at Ohio Northern University was named “The Comet” after Halley’s comet.

30 marching band seasons ago

Here are the senior members of the 1987-88 high school flags. From left, Chris Manley, Amy Shroyer, Deb West, Monica Chambers and Amy Curtis. According to the school yearbook, these were new uniforms. The flag corp finished third in the Allen County Fair band show.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

1904 in Ada:

May 1904: Paving of Main Street began. Residents recalled “Swag Run” that crossed Main Street at the square (Buckeye Avenue) and “Lake Holder” owned by H.M. Holder back in the 40’s where the First National Bank stands. He finally filled the pool with ashes and saw dust.

December 1904: The foundation for the Rail Road tower to pneumatically operate protective gates at Main and Johnson was started. The tower was torn down in 1960.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

In 1909:

1967-68 school year cafeteria staff

Did you attend Ada schools during the 1967-68 school year? Here's the school cafeteria staff who provided you lunch each day. Names are under the photo.
