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Historical Ada

ONU campus in 1912

Joshua Crawford, ONU printing services supervisor, shares this 1912 campus photo with Icon viewers. Click on the image to enlarge.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

May 1928 the Ada Kiwanis painted “ADA” in 16 foot letters on the town hall roof for an airplane guide. Clyde Elder and J.L. Ferrell did the painting. Will Rodgers offered to pay the national bill for all signs of three letters or less.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

March 1931 J.G. Tressel was busy opening a new stone quarry south of Hog creek north of Ada.

March 1931 Ohio Northern fencers won their seventh consecutive victory by defeating Toledo YMCA at Toledo.

March 1931 P.W. Root and W.E. King, both of Kenton, purchased the Slagle Lumber Company here.

They put out Ada fires

Here's the members of the Ada-Liberty Township Fire Department in September 1957.

Front from left, George Binkley, Sylvan Simon, Ralph Fisher, Dwight Musser and Allen High.

Back from left, Richard Fry, Grover Carey, "Jack" Melvin Boutwell (assistant chief), Richard Derringer, Richard Fulks, Charles Dilts, Paul Fletcher and Charles Umphress, (chief).

Missing are Charles Anspach and Ted Hurlburt. Photo by Norman Noe.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

March 1930 the second death of an Ohio Northern University student within ten days through auto accidents brought a ban on automobiles without permits on the campus. Ralph Sealand, Lakewood and Thomas Downs, Bryan, were the victims.

March 1930 Turner Hall, girls dormitory, at Ohio Northern University was opened for public inspection after purchasing the P.W. Turner home in February. The home was erected by Dr. H.S. Lehr and was the family home for many years.

Call phone number 31 if you need to rent a horse and buggy

If you need to rent a cab pulled by horses, call Ada telephone number 31. You'll talk with W. C. Lentz, manager of the L.O. Ream's Barn located at 302 S. Main St., Ada.

Leland Crouse shares this turn-of-an-earlier-century advertisement with Icon viewers.

Other wording on this ad follows:
L.O. Ream's Undertaking Establishment with Equipment
Calls answered night or day
202 S. Main St.
