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Historical Ada

An earlier Ada Christmas season

Note: The Icon posted this photo several years ago, but as a Christmas scene it's a good one to reflect upon.

It's  rare winter night scene of Main Street, Ada. By the looks of that Buick, we'd say it this photo was taken close to 1953.

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Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

January 21, 1962 Ada’s telephone system started operation in a new building at 215 North Main Street. For the first time a dial telephone system was in use.

Did you know about the large mausoleum proposed in Woodlawn Cemetery in 1907?

Here is an announcement of a new mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, Ada, from 1907. Information and sketch is provided by Leland Crouse.

May 1907 The Hardin County Mausoleum Company of Ada had plans and drawings for a new mausoleum at Woodlawn cemetery. The company is being promoted by W.H. Freund and J.E. Hesser. It was dedicated in June 1909. The mausoleum held 240 crypts and a 12-foot driveway through the center.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

Ada's accordion class

First accordion class - These students, ranging in age from 6 to 15 were members of the first according class at the Conner Music Co., studio, in Ada. The studio was at the corner of College and South Johnson Street.

From left, William Sherman, instructor, Wayne Plummer, Richard Ramsdell, William Sonnett, Irene Plummer, David Johnson, Beverly Simmons, Steven Stambaugh and Judy Matthewson.

(From the collection of Lee Crouse)

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

December 1904 the foundation for the Rail Road tower to pneumatically operate protective gates at Main and Johnson was started. The tower was torn down in 1960.
