By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
Posted by Staff on Thursday, March 3, 2022
On September 27, 1988, the Swedish pop duo Roxette released their single Listen to Your Heart. The song hit the #1 spot on the Billboard music charts in both the United States and Canada in November of 1989. In 2005, the Belgian dance group DHT covered the song for release as an international club hit. In 2020, ABC released a version of the Bachelor in Paradise that was titled, Listen to Your Heart. Although these art forms are talking about love and relationships, it is very good advice for our overall heart health as well.
The Icon stopped by Jalapenos Mexican Grill, 109 S. Main, for a first-hand view and taste of the village’s 2021 Business of the Year, an award made by the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce.
During a 5 p.m. visit on a Tuesday evening, the Icon witnessed a steady stream of customers: employees on a meal break, families and university students.
A public open house to learn more about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is scheduled for Friday, March 4 at the Wyandot County Fairgrounds, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The event will take place in the fairground’s dining hall from 6-7:30 p.m., located at 10171 OH 53, Upper Sandusky.
Ada Church of Christ, 316 S.Main St., Is hosting a free clothing giveaway each month on the second Tuesday and 3rd Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Items include newborn to 3X men's and women's clothes. There will also be boots, shoes, purses, coats, hats, gloves and more.
Clothes are freshly laundered. Everyone is welcome, no qualifications. Please enter from the alley behind the church. Other times and days are available by appointment only. Contact Dana at 419-233-4476.
At 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, the final estate auction of Dr. and Mrs. DeBow Freed will take place at the Hardin County Fairgrounds community building, 14134 County Rd. 140, Kenton.
The public trust auction will conducted by Jan Layman (419-835-5185) and Steve Eaton, both licensed by the State of Ohio.