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First ONU college building

David Devier, Ph.D., attended ONU, taught there for 15 years, and lived in and around Ada for 45 years. In the following column he provides an item of "town and gown" history that fits with the theme of Founders Day, celebrated this year on April 6.

By David Devier

This is a plate from the 1902 publication "Ada and the O.N.U. The New and the Old" photo book. This plate shows H. S. Lehr standing in front of the house at 122 West Monford St, which still stands (see photo attached), that served as his first college building.

Feature photo: Athletic Boosters raffle baskets preview

Take a sneek peek at the Annual Athletic Boosters Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, April 9. Doors open at 6 p.m., raffle starts at 7 p.m. All raffle basket values are $100 or more.

Visit for more views.


Photo-story: Deb's Dogs visits Ada Elementary School

The Icon joined Brittany Daniels’ third grade glass during their recent visit from Deb Helser–and Chug puppy Tanner–from Deb’s Dogs in Lima.

The Ada Elementary School has chosen the animal rescue organization as the beneficiary of this year’s read-a-thon fundraiser. Students will present a check to the nonprofit, but eight classes first had a chance to learn about it from Deb.

Helser brought along Tanner, one of a litter of puppies that the organization has placed in forever homes. The six-month-old Chihuahua-Pug mix made himself at home at school, sitting in laps and giving kisses to students.

Apollo Career Center third quarter honor roll

Apollo Career Center, 3325 Shawnee Road, Lima, has announced that the following students from the Ada school district have been named to the third quarter honor roll:

A Honor Roll

Morgan Dirmeyer, Aaron Robson

A/B Honor Roll

Olivia Conley, Dylan Hartman, Colton Long, Drew Long, Lauren McClain, Madison Park, Aaron Robirds

Apollo Career Center has more than 20 programs to prepare students for whatever is next after high school. Associate schools are Ada, Allen East, Bath, Bluffton, Columbus Grove, Elida, Hardin Northern, Perry, Shawnee, Spencerville and Wapakoneta.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted April 10 by Kappa Alpha Theta

ONU's Kappa Alpha Theta sorority is hosting its Annual Easter Egg Hunt at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 10 at the Ada War Memorial Park.

This event is free for the whole family and the egg hunt is available for children 3 to 12 years old. There will be three age groups: Preschool (3-5 years), K-2nd Grade (6-8 years) and 3rd Grade and up (9-12 years).

There will be an Easter bunny at the event and an Easter basket prize for each age group.

Weekend Doctor: Self Care

By Melinda Williams, LPCC, NCC, M.Ed, Psychiatric Center of Northwest Ohio

The past two years have been extremely difficult for most of us. First responders, healthcare workers and mental health professionals have been affected greatly, some in similar ways as the general population, yet, for some, more impacted. We are seeing significant compassion fatigue in these fields.
