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Ada's latest news

Here's the list of Ada High School senior honors

Ada High School will honor its graduates of the Class of 2013 on Sunday, May 26, at 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. 

At the Senior Honor Awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 15, it was announced that Bailey Bowers, Jaden Castle, Erica Kier, Levi Klingler, Madeleine Lomax Vogt, Morgan Rouch, Michael Savino, McKenzie Shaw, and Taylor Willeke have earned the honor of Co-Valedictorians, while Zoe Laird and Jonathen Robey were named Co-Salutatorians.

For a good cause

Ohio Northern Univeristy seniors Lisa Burns and Ray Foster plant vegetables on the ONU campus that when harvested, will be given to the Ada Food Bank. This is the second year  a garden has been started along the green monster on the western side of campus. The garden, with a bed prepared by Tony Wolke, ONU Head Groundskeeper, will be maintained by Foster and Burns over the summer. (Richard Gainey photo)


Kiwanis hear about Kenya water project

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon on Tuesday, May14, at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Sandy and Ron Crosser were introduced as guests.

It was noted Joe and Linda Ferguson planted flowers at the village entrance signs over the weekend Joe was also acknowledged for an award his insurance agency won. 

JoAnne Berg (wife of John) was extended happy birthday wishes.

It was reported that Claudia Crawford is pictured on a billboard south of town.

Ohio Democratic Party political director speaks to Hardin County Democrats

Liz Walters, Ohio Democratic Party Political Director spoke with the Hardin County Democrats Central and Executive Committee members and guests at their last meeting. 

She gave statewide and Hardin County results for the past two presidential and gubernatorial elections.  One of the most revealing statistics was the result of redistricting following the 2010 census.

Proposed OHSAA tournament division changes vote fails

Seven of the nine proposed Ohio High School Athletic Association constitution and bylaw revisions passed as voted upon by OHSAA member schools, Commissioner Daniel B. Ross, Ph.D., has announced. Highlighting the voting was approval of a significant change to the transfer bylaw, but a proposal to change how schools are placed into their tournament divisions for team sports failed for the third consecutive year. Overall, changes were approved to two constitution items and five bylaw items.

Ada's outstanding seniors recognized on May 15

Many outstanding Ada High School seniors received awards at the May 15 Senior Awards Program. The Ada High School Student Council hosted the event. Here is a list of the awards presented:


Agriculture Education - Katelyn Simon

Alisa Wireman
Alexis Gonder
Zoe Laird
Russell Gray
Ariel Rall
Jaden Castle
Bailey Bowers
Liz Butterfield
Morgan Rouch

Business- Taylor Willeke, Morgan Rouch, Ashley Hickey

Yearbook - Kenzie Zembower
