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Ada's latest news

Letter: Lions thank sponsors and patrons of festival food booth

Invitation to attend meetings

The Ada Lions Club wants to thank the many sponsors and patrons for their support of the Lions Club food booth at the 2023 Harvest and Herb Festival. The Club has been serving the traditional hamburgers and hotdogs for several years.  Through the generous support of our sponsors, we are able to help many local individuals and organizations. 

Special thanks to Norada Lanes, Four Seasons Drive Thru, Kewpee, Tavern 101, Associated Plastics, Minich Truck Repair, Sheldon Gas Company, Hempy Water, Central Ohio Farmers Co-Op, Inc., Hays Insurance, Sharon Hawkins and Jason Hawkins.  

2023 Harvest & Herb festival fires on all cylinders

The Icon's Harvest & Herb Festival video is HERE.

By Paula Scott

A “just the facts” report on the 2023 Harvest & Herb Festival would read something along these lines: the weather was mild, the parade lasted 40 minutes, there were 185 vendors and Jillian Hazelton was crowned the festival queen.

Hazelton-Hull engagement

Travis and Rebecca Hazelton of Ada, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter Audrey Hazelton to Ethan Hull. 

Audrey is a 2023 Bluffton University graduate in psychology and writing.  She is the granddaughter of Ken and Jeanette Hazelton of Ada, Ohio and the granddaughter of Konrad & Judy Schiefer of Mount Vernon, Ohio.

Ethan Hull is a 2023 graduate of Apollo as a Level II Firefighter and a 2022 graduate of Rhode State University as a Level II Paramedic  He is the son of Travis and Samantha Hull of Findlay, Ohio and the grandson of Gary and Cassandra Hull of Ada, Ohio.

The couple resides in Mason, Ohio and plan a May 2024 wedding in Lima, Ohio.

Tickets on sale for The Thanksgiving Play

The Freed Center for the Performing Arts has announced that tickets are on sale for The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse. Performances are:

Oct. 19-21, 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 21-22, 2:00 p.m.

When a troupe of really, really well-meaning theater artists attempt to put on a culturally sensitive Thanksgiving school pageant, things get messy. Hilarious and poignant, this delicious play skewers everything right, wrong and woke in America.

Oct. 7 children's program at Friendship Gardens

HARDIN COUNTY–The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting a children’s program at the Friendship Gardens called “Let’s Get Gourdy!” on Saturday, October 7. This event is from 10:00 a.m.-noon and will provide several activities for kids ages 5 and up. 

St. Mark community meal served on September 27

St. Mark Lutheran Church will again be serving a Free Community Meal on Wednesday, September 27 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. 

The menu is a Sloppy Joe, Baked Beans, Chips, Fruit, and a Cookie. 
