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Ready, Set, Grow Preschool open house August 2

Ready, Set, Grow Preschool will be holding an open house on Monday, August 2 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It is located in the Ada First United Methodist Church, 301 N. Main St, Ada.

Anyone interested in enrolling their child for preschool, daycare, or after school care is invited to attend.

Meet the teachers, explore the classroom, and get more information regarding the preschool. Childcare assistance from Job and Family Services for qualifying families is accepted.

For more information, call (419) 634-0000.

Gospel music in Ada park on August 28

An afternoon of gospel singing is planned in Ada park on Saturday, August 28. The program is free and open to the public and begins at 4:00 p.m.

Scheduled to sing are Chris Baldwin, Heartsong, Randy Long, Rita Motter, Jacob Reel, Danny Rae, and more. Bring your own lawn chairs.

A free will offering will be taken for singers.

In case of inclimate weather, the event will move to Ada Church of Christ, 316 S. Main St., Ada.

Local Vintage Chevrolet club celebrates one year

58th Central VCCA Meet held in Lima July 30-31

By Dan Groman
The Vintage Chevrolet Club of America's Western Buckeye Region (WBR) just celebrated one year since its charter. We now have 34 members and are rapidly growing.

Liberty Village Preschool to hold a dinner fundraiser for new playground

Liberty Village Preschool (preschool at Ada Exempted Village schools) is raising money to install a new playground area. Funds have been raised to install a fence and additional money is needed to purchase a storage shed and toys for the preschool students. All profit from this event will be donated to Liberty Village Preschool.

Dinners will be $10 and include a pulled pork sandwich, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, and a cookie. Midwest BBQ, Catering & More, LLC will be providing dinners. The meals can be picked up from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Ada Park on Saturday, August 7th.

Blood shortage continues: Red Cross needs donors now

A thousand blood donations needed daily to prevent further delays in patient care

While donors across the country have rolled up a sleeve to give this summer, the need for blood and platelets remains crucial for patients relying on lifesaving transfusions. The American Red Cross continues to experience a severe blood shortage and donors of all blood types – especially type O and those giving platelets – are urged to make an appointment to give now.  

Right now, the Red Cross needs to collect more than 1,000 additional blood donations each day to meet current demand as hospitals respond to an unusually high number of traumas and emergency room visits, organ transplants and elective surgeries.

Friendship Gardens Open House

By Mark Badertscher
Did the pandemic have you all couped up and wanting to get out and enjoy the outdoors? Several people across the state took up new hobbies during this time and gardening was one of these new interests.
