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Ada Public Library

Library Holiday Hours

Come in and get your items before the long holiday weekend.
The Ada Library's hours are as follows for the New Year's celebrations:

Thursday, December 31st - CLOSE at 3p.m.
Friday, January 1st - CLOSED
Saturday, January 2nd - CLOSED

We will reopen on Monday, January 3rd for normal business hours!

Toss the traditional library silence mode out the window for this party

By Monty Siekerman
A teen Christmas party Thursday at the Ada Public Library was anything but calm and quiet, contrary to the traditional library mode of near silence.

When a bunch of teens gather to have fun, it's a noisy occasion, but no matter they had their own room for games, cookie decorating, and gift exchange.

Enjoying the party are (from left) Drew Hadley, Deavan Scott, Kameron Mooney, Jon Allen, Wes Allen, and Leah Conley.

Explaining a game (candy was the reward) are Natalie Walton, youth services librarian, and her husband, Josh.

Pass the red icing, please

Decorating holiday cookies at the Ada Public Library on Wednesday are (from left) Kaitlyn Michael, Leah Conley, and Carmen Mancuso.

Holiday cooking and baking are a part of the holiday tradition in many homes. These youth are learning early on how to fancy up sweets for guests (and themselves).

More than one cookie got eaten during the decorating at the library...and it was fun to lick the icing off the fingers, too. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Back by popular demand! 3-d printer at Library

Frustrated that you missed seeing the 3-d printer demo at the Ada Public Library? Have no fear! Back by popular demand, we will be having one more demo on Monday, December 21st from 3-5p.m.

Stop by the Ada Public Library for a demonstration on how a 3-d printer works. Max Gauthier, Ada Public Library Guiding Ohio Online/Americorp Tech volunteer, will be available to answer questions as the printer is running.

Just a reminder that Max is also available for 30 minute or hour long sessions, once per day, three times/week, to answer any of your tech related questions! Please stop by the Library, or call 419-634-5246 to sign-up for tech time today!

Andreasen sisters give Santa their lists

Brooklyn Andreasen, 6, (left) and her sister Autumn, 9, tell Santa what they'd like for Christmas while at the Ada Public Library on Wednesday. If you haven't caught Santa recently, consider yourself a hermit because, just in the last week, he has been at ReStore, The Inn, the Depot, and the senior citizens luncheon at the school, and the library. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Welcome to the future - and it's at Ada Public Library

By Max Gauthier
Ada Public Library AmeriCorps volunteer

Imagine a world where you can pick an object and then watch it form before your very eyes. 

What if I told you this technology has been around for years and is growing more popular everyday?  All it takes is a 3D printer and a 3D model of your desired object (which can be obtained via the internet or can be made yourself using 3D modelling software) and you are on your way. 

Welcome to the future.
