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Ada's latest news

All kinds of fun going on in Hardin County this summer

The Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance provided Icon viewers with updates to summer activities for July.  You can't say there's nothing going on in Hardin County. 

Alliance Golf Outing
Sign up now for the 2013 Alliance Golf Outing.  This event will take place on August 9.   Teams will be posted and registration will start at 7:45AM.  There will be a SHOTGUN START at 8:30 a.m..

Kiwanis Club's annual tree planting July 10 at Ada Park

President Myrna McCurdy called the July 2 meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

The birthday of Joe Ferguson (July 6th) was noted in song.

Joe also reported there are some extra plants installed at the north and south village limit signs.

Sharon MacKenzie reported that there were two nice articles in the newspaper about the Ada Restore. She also was able to get our banner updated with our recent club patches.

John David Boyd, 1948-2013

John David Boyd, age 65, died on Friday, July 5, 2013 at 11:03 p.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima.

He was born on June 9, 1948, in Floyd County, Kentucky to Emmitt and Blanche (Van Hoose) Boyd. His father died shortly before his birth and he was raised by his mother and step-father, George and Blanche Collins, Sr., who are also deceased. He was previously married to Joanne (Jaycox) Boyd of Ada.

...and next door chamber cuts the ribbon at Mighty Dakotas Sporting Goods


The next door business neighbor of Ada Flea Market also received an Ada Area Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on July 5.

Mighty Dakotas Sporting Goods, LLC., owned by Ada native Steve Rudasill, is located at 113 N. Main St., Ada. It opened in the fall of 2013, but was not previously featured on The Ada Icon.

Store hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and "when you see the light on in the store," says Rudasill. The business phone number is 419-634-1011.

The sporting goods store supplies pistols, riffles, shot guns, ammo, acessories and some fishing equipment.

Downtown's newest business - Ada Flea Market

CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE - and watch the video

The ribbon was cut and it's official. The Ada Flea Market, 111 N. Main St., Ada, is open for business as the community's newest business. To help launch its grand opening the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on Friday.

Gus and Norma Guthrie own the business that will be open each Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The business phone number is 419-296-3243.

According to Gus Guthrie, the flea market offers "something for everybody."

It offers antiques, collectibles, glassware, matress sets, used furniture, used tools, some new tools, crafts, toys and houseware.


Signs like this one are a familiar site in Ada this summer. The Lima Avenue Phase 2 project involves total street reconstruction, new storm sewers, new waterlines, a widened street with curbs and sidewalks. The project is estimated to be completed by the end of September.
