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Ada's latest news

Gator swim team heads to WOAL championships Friday and Saturday

Ada/Lost Creek swim team will travel to Bluffton on Friday and Saturday, July 12-13, to compete in the Western Ohio Aquatic League swim championships.

The Bluffton Community Swimming Pool is host to the league meet. Bluffton officials putting on the meet anticipate between 500 and 600 swimmers (between the ages of 4 and 18). Add parents and fans and there will be 2000-plus visitors in town.

Teams from the following swimming pools will be in Bluffton:
Ada/Lost Creek
Van Wert

Ada Icon launches "Iconic Bakery," recipes from viewers

Let's add "eating" to the list of death and taxes. Everyone pay taxes Everyone will eventually leave this earth...and everyone eats.

By popular demand, the Ada Icon launches "Iconic Bakery." In it we hope to provide recipes sent by Icon viewers.

Here's how it works:

We want recipes that you'd like to share with others. They could be your family secret recipes or those that are easy for kids to make, or are seasonal - please start with some great summer drinks that help viewers cool off this month. We'll even take your flub baking stories (if you care to admit one).

Pieces falling into place

Here's a piece of the puzzle at the Ada park. The Girl Scouts of Western Ohio created a family-fun puzzle experience at the park. Click here for more details.

Village Voice: Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale Aug. 8-9-10

It’s Lincoln Highway Buy Way Time!
Sale dates: August 8-9-10

For nine years, Ada Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) and the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce have continued to sponsor the Lincoln Highway Buy–Way Yard Sale. This year is no different!

Ada is one community among many that choose to celebrate the historical Lincoln Highway with the great Buy-Way.

Charter Realty holds two Ada open houses Sunday

Charter Realty, 117 E. Lincoln Ave., Ada, is holding two open houses Sunday, July 14. Both are from 1 to 3 p.m. The open houses follow:

512 N. Gilbert St. – Ada
Don’t miss this well kept, move in ready home.Very charming with fireplace, screened sunroom, beautiful back yard, 2.5 car garage. All appliances included, full basement.
Jane Robinson 419-230-4615

820 S. Main St. – Ada
Very spacious, 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath home. Hardwood floors, large kitchen, screened porch, appl. included, deck and fenced yard.
Sharon Music 419-303-4113


Ada area u-12 fastpitch softball team headed to Orlando, Florida

An Ada-area u-12 fastpitch softball team with members from Ada, Bluffton, Allen East and several other area communities, has qualified for the USSSA series of softball in Orlando, Fla. The series starts July 20.

The team is ranked second in USSSA power rankings in the Ohio North u12B division. The team has had success in tournaments in Kenton, Van Wert, Toledo Tune up, Beavercreek and the Ohio State Fast Pitch tournament.

For example, the team was runner up in Beavercreek and Kenton, champions in Van Wert, 10th in the Toledo Tune up (22 teams) and fifth at the Ohio State event.
