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Lugibihl Spray Service ready to assist with spring lawn and garden preparation

Lugibihl Spray Service, 6705 Tom Fett Road, Bluffton, announces its spring lawn and garden services, according to David Lugibihl, owner.

These includes:
• Round-up Quik Pro
• Lawn fertilizer with crabgrass control
• Lawn fertilizer with 2-4-D
• Fertilizer for lawns
• Garden fertilizer
• Lime and gypsum
• Spray for lawn weeds

Lugibihl’s also provides grass seed and soil tests. A new product this year is 12-12-12 fertilizer with lime.

A printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story lists Lugibihl's products.

Terry Maris leads concealed weapon class

Northwest Ohio CCW will offer a carry concealed weapon class Saturday, April 19, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Lima Sabres, Hanthorn Road, Lima. Terry Maris of Ada is the instructor.

The cost of the class is $95. Persons wanting more information may contact Maris at 419-634-0310, or PO Box 241, Ada, OH 45810.

Dennis Kindle, 1949-2014

Dennis R. Kindle, 64, died on Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 6:10 a.m. at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay.

He was born on September 10, 1949 in Kenton, Ohio, to Lonnie and Ruth (Wright) Kindle, who preceded him in death. On December 19, 1969, at St. John Lutheran Church in Blocktown, Ohio, he married Shelley L. Baier and she survives in Dunkirk.

Kindle worked for 34 years in the aviation refueling industry as a welder. He was a 1967 graduate of Hardin Northern High School. Dennis was a US Air Force Veteran who served from 1969 to 1973 at McConnel Air Force Base in Wichita, Kan. and in Korat, Thailand.

Former Ohio District of Kiwanis International governor speaks to Ada Kiwanis

President Heather Cox called weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday April 1st at McIntosh Center, ONU. The Invocation was offered by Jon Umphress. Member Jeff Schulman reported that his daughter Joanna gave birth to a baby girl (Marianna Rose) this morning. Congratulations to grandfather Jeff.

Renewal of permanent improvement levy on May 6 ballot

On Tuesday, May 6, Ada school district voters will cast ballots on the renewal of a permanent improvement levy. The levy was oroginally approved in January 1990.

According to Ohio law, permanent improvement monies are placed in a separate fund from the general fund and may only be used for items that are more “permanent” — lasting five years or more.

Because the levy is a renewal it is not a new tax or a tax increase. The 2.90 mills are included in property taxes, according to Connie Fleming, chair of Advancing Ada Schools levy committee.

Xylophone trio

Kyle Crouse, Colby Kloeppel and Alex Morgan focus on the music during an Ada sixth grade band rehearsal.
