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Ada's latest news

Ohio Northern University celebrates Honors Day

Ohio Northern University celebrates its annual Honors Day program on Saturday, April 26, from 8:15 a.m. until 5 p.m.

This year’s Honors Day continues the rich tradition of ONU’s colleges and departments recognizing students and faculty members for scholarly achievement and service to the University community. More than 40 undergraduate academic departments and honor societies will present awards and induct new members.

Kormendy Lecture to focus on ‘The Meaning of the Vietnam War’

Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law will present the 2014 Kormendy Lecture in the Large Moot Court Room on Wednesday, April 23, at 11:15 a.m. The program will feature a presentation by Fredrik Logevall, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America’s Vietnam.”

Logevall is an award-winning and renowned historian, accomplished educator, and prolific writer on the Vietnam War. His epic and groundbreaking book “Embers of War” won both the 2013 Pulitzer Prize in History and the prestigious Parkman Prize, which deemed it an “extraordinary work of modern history.”

Here's an update on the East Lima Avenue project

As the East Lima Avenue reconstruction project moves ahead village residents may obtain project updates from the Village of Ada website. Go to the village website's "Project Page" for updates. Click here to view the page.

Here's the latest information on the project provided by the village:

Ada Public Library to overdue patrons: "All is forgiven next week!"

It's a deal you can't refuse.

In honor of National Library Week, Sunday to Saturday, April 13 - 19, the Ada Public Library will wipe your slate clean. If you have overdue book fines up to $5, you win.

All you need to do is donate canned goods exchange for your book fine payment during National Library Week, according to Amanda Bennett, library director.

The only fine print is that the food donations don't apply to replacement costs.




So many books

ONU student, Joel Luecke, checks out the books in the Ada school scholastic book fair going on this week. Luekcke, a pharmacy major from Canton, is helping out with the fair.

Friday and Saturday dinner at Mustard Seed Cafe, Bluffton

Mustard Seed Café, 562 N. Main Street, Bluffton, is open 5-8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings with a full menu which includes 7 appetizers, 8 main course items, soups, salads and house-baked desserts.  Beer and beer cocktails are available.

The feature Friday & Saturday night is CIOPPINO.  Mustard Seed Cioppino has clams, mussels, shrimp, scallops, white fish and a red base.
