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About the "Help Vote Ohio Dry" banner

The Icon recently posted a photo asking, "What's that banner over Main St.?" (view at Initially, we were more interested in figuring what it said, rather than why the banner was there.

Here's the backstory according to : There was a 1919 Ohio State Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum that was defeated 500,812 votes to 474,078 votes.

McGuffey movies under the stars

The free outdoor movie series returns to McGuffey this Friday, June 9.

You're invited to "Come sit under the stars and enjoy a night out. Kids and adults all welcome. Free popcorn and drinks. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Movie starts at dark. Come early for the best spot. See ya at the movie."

404 Courtright St.
McGuffey, Ohio 45859

8th annual Patriotic Pops brings LSO to Ohio Northern

The Lima Symphony Orchestra’s free, public Patriotic Pops concert will be held at Ohio Northern University at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 2. The event will take place on the sculpture mall east of McIntosh Center between Presser and Weber halls.

This family-friendly concert will feature several Independence Day-themed musical selections. The LSO is under the direction of Maestro Andrew Crust.

Daniel Allen Keller was a teacher and farmer

Daniel Allen “Daniel or Dan” Keller, age 74, of Ada, passed away at 12:36 a.m. on Friday, June 2, 2023, at The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital in Columbus. He put up a valiant fight over the 67 days against metastasized cancer, discovered March 28, 2023, that had started in his stomach and spread to seven other organs. Once placed on comfort care he died in his sleep with his wife, Christina close by holding his hand. In 2005, Dan donated a kidney to his brother. In 2021 Dan received a kidney transplant at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.   

June JAMPD programs: Magic, day camp, crochet and animal Olympics

Gordon The Magician will perform at the Ottawa Metro Park Amphitheater, 2632 Ada Rd., Lima at 7:00 p.m. 0n Sat., June 10. The summer program is hosted by the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District. 

Gordon and his trusty sidekick, George the Raccoon, have traveled the globe in  search of smiles, laughs, and fun. A master of audience involvement, Gordon “invents” magic on the spot using the most ordinary items imaginable. Couple this with a limitless  array of tried-and-true tricks of the trade, and you have a performance that is second to  none.

May 2023 local weather observations

May we interest you in some May 2023 weather observations from Guy Verhoff, NWS observer in Pandora?

May 2023 Weather Observations Chart

May Average Temperature 59.9

Normal Average Temperature 60.5

Total May Precipitation 2.31

Normal Average Precipitation 4.01

Max Temperature 87 on May 30-31

Minimum Temperature 35 on May 4
