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Cessna Minutemen 4-H Club holds trash pick up

by Jessica Breidenbach

The Cessna Minutemen held a meeting on Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Walnut Grove United Methodist Church.

There were thirteen members present and Tyler Merrit led the 4-H pledge. Sydney Gebrin led the Pledge of Allegiance. Treasurer Ashton Stevenson took roll call by asking the members what their favorite Easter candy is. The minutes and the treasurer`s report were both read and approved.

Sara Ruhlen talked about the danger of texting while driving. The club recently held trash pick-up and eight members participated. At the next meeting books will be passed out, as well as 4-H calendars.

Iconic Bakery: Care for an Icon Biscotti?

Viewers of this column understand I really like to dunk things I bake in coffee (or milk). And, in my opinion, biscotti was made for dunking.

After developing a hankering for this toast-like cookie with a long shape, I priced a box in the grocery and decided to make my own for lots less the cost. This assumption was correct. It’s inexpensive to make and one recipe produces lots more than the small box on the grocery shelf.

Making biscotti yourself enables you to customize the flavor. Here’s the Icon Biscotti recipe. Get the coffee ready (or milk). As always, we’ve lowered the sugar content from most recipes you’ll find for this snack.

Prom tickets on sale; after-prom permission slips due May 1

Here are current announcements from the Ada High School page on the Ada school website:

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS WHO ARE PLANNING ON TAKING AP ENGLISH AS SENIORS: There will be a meeting during lunch on Monday, May 5th, in Mr. Ames’ room. Lunch will be provided and we will discuss the course, texts, and summer obligations.

Ada HS senior class officers 15 years ago


Was it that many school years ago? Here's the Ada High School senior class officers 15 years ago, in 1998-99. Photo from the yearbook collection at Ada Public Library.

Officers were (not standing in order), Jeni Long, president; Sheri Rettig, secretary; Nathan Ulrey, secretary and Nick Miller, treasurer.

It comes in two flavors: black and brown

It must be spring. The Ada Lions are selling mulch. To place your order call 419-634-5626.

When it comes to robotic football it's ONU all over Notre Dame 29-7

Students from Ohio Northern University’s T.J. Smull College of Engineering defeated the University of Notre Dame, 29-7, during the annual University of Notre Dame robotic football competition on Saturday, April 19, in South Bend, Ind.

By defeating the Irish, the Polar Bears snared the Brian Hederman Memorial Robotic Competition Award for the second consecutive season. The award is named after Hederman, a Notre Dame student who suffered an untimely death after his freshman year in 1995. A drawing he left behind inspired the trophy and the competition itself.          
