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Icon weekly high school football contest is back! Enter this week's contest now

The 2014 Icon weekly high school football contest is back! The first week has 10 games plus two tie-breakers. The first week's contest is a practice round for contestants.

Here's how the contest is played:

1 - Contestant's may enter as often as they wish, but may only enter their own name one time per week.

2 - Entry deadlines are 5 p.m. each Friday.

3 - There will be one weekly winner. If there is a tie, the contestant who entered earliest will be declared the winner.

4 -In addition to weekly winners, there will be one overall contest winner, who will be announced at the end of the season. The overall winner is the contestant who accumulates the most points during the weekly contest. The Icon will post weekly contestant points and cummulative points.

5 - This week's contest is a practice round. It will have a winner, but the points from this week's contest will not count toward the overall contest winner at the end of the season.

6 - The contest is for 10 weeks during the regular season only. An overall winner will be declared at the end of the regular season.

7 - In the event that either Ada or Bluffton advances to the playoffs, a playoff contest take place weekly as either or both of those teams advance.

The contest judge is Corey Greer, who has served as judge in past contests.


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