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Ada's latest news

Friday evening at the Depot: Exhibit highlights history and significance of Ada's railroad station

Ohio Northern University to host Grafik InterventionOhio Northern University will host a Grafik Intervention program at Ada’s historic Pennsylvania Railroad Depot on Friday, May 9, at 9 p.m. In addition, an exhibit will highlight the history and significance of the depot beginning at 8 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public. For more details click here.

Kiwanis Club donates $500 to village for Arbor Day

The Ada Kiwanis Club presented its annual $500 donation to the Village of Ada for its annual tree-planting efforts at the Arbor Day celebration held May 2 at the Ada Schools.

In presenting the check, Club President Heather Cox said, “It has been our privilege to make this annual presentation for the past 34 years.

The motto of Kiwanis International is “Serving the Children of the World.” The membership of the Ada Kiwanis Club works to serve the children and future adults of our community. 
Our annual donation of money for trees is our way of showing children how we also work to create a better, more green environment.”

Michael Raines family benefit tickets available in Ada

A Michael Raines family benefit takes place from 6-8 p.m., Saturday, May 24, at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, 209 W. North St., Lima.

The event is a spaghetti dinner. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for youth. The benefit is hosted by Busy B Realty. A silent auction will also take place that evening.

Tickets are available in Ada at Hair Happenings and Jalapenos, or from any Busy B Realty agent. For more information call 419-371-4633.

Police-Kiwanis bike rodeo on Saturday

The Ada Police Department and the Ada Kiwanis Club will hold a village bike rodeo from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 10.

The rodeo takes place in the municipal parking lot behind the police station.

There will  be door prizes, a bicycle obstacle course and refreshments for youth 3 to 12. The Ada fire and EMS will be present to allow youth to see the equipment.

Bike helmets will be given to all participants.

Tuesday's primary election includes school district levy and several county issues


Tuesday, May 6, is Ohio primary election day. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

The election has several partisan races. In addition, there is:
• one state issue,
• Issue 4 - Hardin County Board of DD Simon Kenton School & Harco Industries, 
• Issue 5 - Hardin County Extention (4-H) levy
• a mental health and recovery services board levy and
• an Ada school tax levy renewal.

Here is a summary of the mental health levy:

Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club reviews summer

The Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club met on Sunday, April 27 at 3 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Alexis Amburgey. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Melia Samtillanez and the 4-H Pledge was led by Liam Boulanger. Secretary Shelby Hazelton called roll, and 17 members were present.

There was an introduction of visitors and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurer Brice Ferguson gave the treasurer’s report. The advisors then gave a report. Members are to sign up for committees if they have not already.
