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Ada scores 41.5 points in NWC Bachman competition

Bluffton High School won the Northwest Conference 2013-14 “Don Bachman Award of Excellence” for the first time with a strong finish in the spring sports season.

This award recognizes the school in the conference that exhibits the highest level of consistent excellence in conference-sponsored sports and scholastic bowl competition.

The Pirates compiled a total of 80.5 points to defeat Crestview (79) in a close race. Columbus Grove finished third with 70 points. For the first time in the history of the award all league schools had at least one championship/co-championship.

Weather summary: Everywhere from 35 to 70 degrees

Hey, mom, it reached 70 degrees on Monday! (it also bottomed out at 35 degrees on Friday.) May's confusing weather continued this week.

To see May's daily summary provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

June-July Ada Community Highlights - wait until you see what's on the calendar!


Anyone who says nothing happens in Ada during the summer has failed to study the attached Ada Community Highlights calendar. It is created by The Ada Icon for distribution of the Ada Community Improvement Corp. (CIC)

Here goes:

Ada Elementary student contribution to St. Jude Math-A-Thon tops $100,000

Here's a math formula for you:
Ada students + St. Jude Math-A-Thon (x 19 years) = $103,466/19

The Ada Elementary School has participated in the St. Jude Math-A-Thon for 19 years. This year students collected $5,422.19 with 69 students participating, Teri Salyer told the Icon. 

She added that 2014 was a special year as Ada Elementary has donated over $100,000 for kids with cancer, $103,466.19 to be exact.

Click here to learn who St. Jude Math-A-Thon works.

The photo with this story shows Ada students forming the shape of the number 100.

Football point differential rule among OHSAA sport regulation changes for 2014-15

• Football Point Differential Rule Among OHSAA Sport Regulation Changes for 2014-15
• Baseball & softball doubleheaders now permitted on school days;
• Ohio joining other states in adopting second-half running clock in lopsided football games

For years, high school football games in Ohio could be shortened by mutual agreement of both head coaches. That will change this fall with the adoption of a football point differential rule as part of the 2014-15 sport regulations approved by the Ohio High School Athletic Association Board of Directors last week at its May board meeting.

Voting for art's sake

Ada elementary student artists have posted their best art work on the walls outside their classroom. Ada staff have the opportunity to vote on their "Staff Choice" favorite art pieces. This example is an unidentified first grader's art piece in the voting mix. Watch the Icon for the voting results.
