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Ada's latest news

Car talk

There was music on Main and there was car talk on Main last Friday. It was part of the Buy Ada First committee's summer programming. Here's a closeup of the guys talkin' cars.

Ada Ohio Properties Ltd., shows Ada's entrepreneurial spirit

Congrats to the entrepreneurial spirit in Ada. The most recent member of this special spirit club is Ada Ohio Properties, Ltd.

The name alone speaks volumes:
• close community identity
• identifies the company’s purpose
• has potentially for positive brand experience
• locally owned

Beyond that, what’s so special about this new enterprise? Ada Ohio Properties focuses on providing quality, yet affordable energy-efficient and turn-key properties in the Ada area, both for sale and lease.

Here's Archer, Wilcox and Klingler at the state track meet

Three members of the Ada High School track team qualified for Division III state track meet in Columbus in early June. The athletes were Brittnay Archer, Matthew Wilcox and Daniel Klingler.

Donald Traxler attended the meet for the Icon and photographed Bulldog athletes during their competitions. His photos follow in the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Click for Division III top 10

Click for Division III District results

Beacon Realty's property of the week: 340 Hays Ave.

Beacon Realty's property of the week is a listing at 340 Hays Ave., Ada, according to Becky Neville, realtor.

The residence has three bedrooms and two baths. Its list price is $229,500. For complete details on the listing open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

Liberty Baptist VBS July 14-18

Liberty Baptist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School for ages 4-12 years, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., July 14-18.  This year’s theme is “The Little Camp in the Big Woods,” which will be presented by Jim Walker Family Ministries.

Friday evening includes a drawing for a Kindle Fire HD, and the entire family is invited to participate in the activities and refreshments.

County Line Church of the Brethren VBS July 20-24

County Line Church of the Brethren is hosting "SonWest Roundup" Vacation Bible School from 6-8 p.m from July 20-24. Ages 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome.

Participants may register during VBS or pre-register at the church office, 4227 N. Hardin (Allen/Hardin County Line Rd), Harrod. Call 419-649-5364 for more information.
