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Ada's latest news

Next Maple Crest Sunday buffet Sept. 14

The next Sunday buffet at Maple Crest Senior Living, Bluffton, is September 14, according to Daren Lee, director of Maple Crest. The menu includes:

• Stuffed Chicken Marsala
• Beef and Noodles
• Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
• Green Beans with Almonds
• Dinner Rolls
• Mixed Berry Pie
• Coffee and iced tea

The buffet is in the Patio Room at Maple Crest from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is open to all adults 55 and older at a cost of $7.50 per person.

Please call 419-358-1015, (choose option 2) to RSVP. Limited seating is available.

Cheer clinic for K-8 graders offers chance to cheer during Oct. 10 football game

Although Tuesday is a "no school day" due to the Hardin County Fair, lots of events are underway in Ada schools. Here's an update from the school website.

ATTENTION 7TH & 8TH GRADERS: The high school cheerleaders are sponsoring a cheer clinic for students grades K-8 on Oct. 6 - 10. Registration forms are in the high school office and are due back by Friday, Sept. 12. It is for the Pink Out game on Oct. 10. Participants will cheer the first half with varsity cheerleaders.

Big trucks and a cat

East Lima Avenue has lots of trucks these days as work continues on the street project.

Todd Fleharty wins week 1 football contest; time to enter week 2


The winner of Week 1 of the Icon football contest is Todd Fleharty.  He and three other contestants correctly picked 9 games this week and Fleharty was declared the winner based on Tie-Breaker #1.

Other contestants:
9 correct - Nancy Armour, Jared Lehman and Buckeye.

8 correct - Mark Sommers, Landyn Fleharty, David Glick, Brad Smith, Will I Am, Tammy Risner, Craig Hoffman, Marc Staley and Jim Dillman.

Massive first half propels Bulldogs over USV

By Dusty Donley

A massive first half and a strong debut from Freshman quarterback Seth Conley propelled the Bulldogs to a week 1 victory as they defeated the visiting Upper Scioto Valley Rams, 49-14. In just his first varsity start, Conley showed no signs of jitters, tossing for 315 yards and 4 scores.

Stop signs replaced with Yield signs at Gilbert Street crosswalk

There’s a change in the crosswalk on Gilbert Street, between the 400 and 500 block, which affects walkers and vehicles and has grabbed the attention of persons using that crosswalk.

The Icon understands that the stop signs that were previously at the crosswalk may not have been in compliance with Ohio Uniform Traffic Control Manual.

The village has made the following changes:
