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Ada's latest news

Healing oils of the Bible class offered at ReStore Sept. 29

A class titled “Healing Oils of the Bible,” will take place at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 29, at ReStore, 210 N. Main St., Ada, according to Connie Guyton.

The class is free but there is charge for a Zyto Compass Scan that will take place during the evening, if participants wish to take the scan.

There will be two stations set up for the scan during this class. That scan charge is $10. The scan demonstrates oils your body needs, according to sponsors of the class.

Persons interested in attending may RSVP by Sept. 25 to 419-558-1015.

For more information on the class open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Here are the OACC pre-season cross country picks

By Tim Glon

The Ohio Northern men were picked to finish third and the women fourth in the 2014 Ohio Athletic Conference Cross Country Coaches Polls.

The Polar Bear men received 67 points and one first place vote.

Mount Union was selected as the league favorite with 81 points and nine first place votes. John Carroll was secone with 68 points and Otterbein was picked fourth with 54 points.

The ONU women received 60 points in the voting.

What's for lunch in school?

What's for lunch in Ada Schools in September?

Click here for the menu.

Click here for nutritional details.

David Smittle elected to Interfraternity Conference Foundation Board

David Smittle, director of advancement services at Ohio Northern Unversity and member of Phi Mu Delta Fraternity, was recently elected to the NIC Foundation board of directors at the organization’s annual meeting in Indianapolis.

Four Bingo Bonus nights planned this fall

Ada Bingo plays on Thursdays at the Alumni N-men’s Building in downtown Ada.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; Bingo begins at 6:55 p.m.

Ada Bingo uses new, radio-controlled electronic machines, as well as, traditional paper packages. Proceeds from Ada Bingo benefits the Ada Lion's Club, Ada Music Boosters and the Ada-Liberty Volunteer Fire Department.

And, there will be four Bingo Bonus Nights, to be held on the third Thursday of the month, September through December.

Bonsu dates are:
• Sept. 18
• Oct. 16
• Nov. 20
• Dec. 18

Church steeple lifted on Thursday morning

This Thursday the contractor for the First United Methodist Church building project plans to lift the final stage of the steeple on to the tower. 

Assuming no unexpected delays, this should take place in the vicinity of 10 a.m.  Viewing must be from across Main Street. 

The church message to persons interested in watching this proceedure: It is always possible the 120-ton crane could start a bit earlier so don't plan to be fashionably late and don't be surprised if it happens closer to 10:30 a.m. There are a lot of variables that will not be encountered until the process begins.
