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Ada's latest news

Parent-teacher conferences and lots more planned at Ada schools this month

Lots of events are on the Ada school calendar in November and December. Here's the latest from the Ada school website.

Nov. 14th End of 2nd Interim
Nov. 18th 2 Hour Early Release for Teacher-In-Service
Nov. 21st Interim will be passed out in Homeroom
Nov. 24th Parent/Teacher Conference 4:00 to 8:30 PM
Nov. 25th No School for students-Parent/Teacher Conference 10:00 – 8:00 PM
Nov. 26th to 28th No School for Thanksgiving Break

Remember, remember, these dates in December!

Mark your calendars for these GREAT, FREE, and FUN events on the horizon for December at the Library:

Ada Public Library gets ready for 3rd annual holiday silent auction

Stop by the Ada Public Library between Monday, Nov. 24 to Saturday, Dec. 6 to put in a bid on one of our holiday baskets.

Baskets are donated by local businesses and individuals, and make wonderful gifts for the holiday season, and also help the Library raise funds for our Summer Reading family programs--we've been able to raise over $2,000 the past two years!

If you'd like to donate a basket or gift,  think outside the box!

Businesses/organizations/individuals who choose to donate should drop their basket or items off at the library by closing time, Saturday, November 22nd. The library will have the cellophane and ribbons and will wrap the baskets.

Village Voice: Some leaf pick up tips and reminders

Leaf Pick Up – Week 1 is complete!

The Village Street Crews have been going strong with leaf pick up over the past week. With week 1 done, here are a few reminders:

• Having your vehicles and refuse containers out of the way have been a great help! Please continue to keep your street as clear as possible.

• Any debris other than leaves in your piles can prevent the crews from being able to pick up leaves. Please make sure there are no branches, limbs, or other non-leaf material, including trash, in your leaf pile.

Mustard Seed Cafe offers autumn wine tasting event this week

Mustard Seed Café, 562 N. Main St. Bluffton, offers an Autumn Wine Tasting Event during dinner service this week, in addition to the regular menu.  There will be a Four-Course Dinner with Four Tasting Pairings:

Mini Antipasto Plate paired with
Firelands Pinot Grigio

Italian Minestrone paired with
Castro Cellars White Zinfandel

Italian Drunken Noodles paired with
Fatoria Rodano Poggialupi

Chocolate Torte with Caramel and Cream paired with
Sycamore Lake Winery Chocolate Covered Bridge

Ada police handle possible narcotics complaint

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided The Icon with the Ada police call logs from Nov. 3 to Nov. 9.

They are in attachments at the bottom of this story.

