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Ada's latest news

Ada Soccer Association spring sign-ups underway

Ada Soccer Association spring sign-ups are underway.

Online registration is available 24 hours a day through Tuesday, Jan. 27, at or in person at Restore on the following days:

• Saturday, Jan. 10 from 4-6 p.m. 
• Saturday, Jan. 17 from 9-11 a.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 6:30-8 p.m.

Cost is $30 for U6 (includes t-shirt), $35 for U8, $40 for U10, $45 for U12, $50 for U15.

Whatever Cards and Games now open on North Main Street

Whatever Cards and Games is Ada’s newest business. Located at 113 N. Main St., the business owned by Jim and Kathy Brown offers fantasy and role playing games and board games. Kathy is familiar to many Ada residents. She is a 1993 Ada High School and 1998 Ohio Northern University graduate.


In addition to fantasy and role playing games, customers will find trading card games (TCG), and board games such as Yugi Oh! And Pokémon. The store will soon begin stocking up with booster packs for various games.

Among family games available include Hiss and Red Hot Silly Peppers, which are games for pre-schoolers.

Here's how the Polar Bears did last week; and who they play this week

Last Week at Ohio Northern:

   Men's Basketball - Lost 73-79 at Bethany (W.Va.); Lost 58-70 at Trine (Ind.)
   Women's Basketball - Lost 50-61 at Case Western Reserve
   Wrestling - 1st of 8 at Waynesburg (Pa.) Invitational

This Week's Schedule:

Next Drive Time Driving Instruction class starts Jan. 18

Drive Time Driving Instructions announces is winter class schedule.

Findlay – ServUsCenter, 2469 S. Main St.
January class begins Jan. 18
February class begins Feb. 15

Bluffton – Diamond Manufacturing building, 505 E. Jefferson St.
February class begins Feb. 1
March class begins March 1

Northern visitors

Ada's winter wildlife includes a large flock of Canada Geese, who like to hang out on the ONU campus.

2014 weather summary: Let's not have a repeat

2014 will be remembered for several things, but the thing most area residents will remember is the “Winter of 2014.”

Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, provided The Icon with the 2014 summary with comparisons back to 2006.
