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Vote for your favorite soup on Friday at Liberty National

Liberty Natinal Bank, Ada, invites Icon viewers to stop in to the Main Street office on Friday and vote for your favorite soup.

It's the bank's "Soup" er Bowl Cook off. There will be several soups available to taste. Persons stopping by the bank may vote for their favorite flavor.

Seeing the light

There's a new window in Ada and it's becoming more and more familiar. Here's one of the windows on the First United Methodist Church under construction this winter.

University to host ninth annual Polar Bear Invitational Mock Trial Tournament

Ohio Northern University’s mock trial program will host the ninth annual Polar Bear Invitational Mock Trial Tournament from Jan. 17-18. The competition will take place in ONU’s Pettit College of Law, Hill Building and Dukes Memorial. More than 200 students from 16 colleges and universities representing five states will participate in the tournament.

Ada chamber accepting nominations for 2014 business of the year

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce wants to recognized Ada's outstanding business of 2014 and you can help make the selection.

The chamber is currently accepting nominations for the 2014 award. An application form is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

The winner will be announced at the chamber's annual celebration dinner at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 21, at the Wishing Well in McIntosh Center on ONU's campus.

Cost is $15 per person.

Basis for eligibility:

Fight winter's chill

Just because it's January doesn't mean that flowers are in full bloom in Ada. This attractive bouquet is in Carol Slone Florists, 410 S. Main St.

Freed Center presents ‘Raisin’ Cane’ featuring Jasmine Guy Jan. 16

The Ohio Northern University Freed Center for the Performing Arts presents “Raisin’ Cane,” featuring award-winning actress, singer and dancer Jasmine Guy, on Friday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m.

With Guy and the acclaimed Avery Sharpe Trio, “Raisin’ Cane” celebrates and honors the legendary voices of the Harlem Renaissance through text, song, music, movement and imagery. “Raisin’ Cane” was written and conceived by Harry Clark.
