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Ada's latest news

15 minutes with Kenny Wolke - he takes care of Ada's largest lawn, just for starters

Kenny Wolke's job has grown in acreage and usage since he became manager of War Memorial Park 18 years ago.

How many acres are involved in the park?
The park had 40 acres in 1996, now there are 68 acres.

What does your job entail?
Taking care of the equipment, buildings, and grounds, and scheduling the use of the various facilities. There is electrical, plumbing, mechanical work to do...a little bit of everything.

Preschool screens set in April

Midwest Regional Educational Service Center has scheduled three preschool screens in April. The Center provides preschool services for the Ada, Hardin Northern, Ridgemont and Upper Scioto Valley school districts.

Parents and caregivers with children ages 3 to 5 by Aug. 1, 2015, should call Midwest Regional ESC for an appointment.

Registration and screens are planned at the following locations:
• Upper Scioto Valley, Monday, April 13
• Hardin Northern, Tuesday, April 14
• Ridgemont, Wednesday, April 15


Ada Elementary hosts March 26 blood drive

An American Red Cross blood drive takes place at the Ada Elementary School from 3 to 8 p.m., Thursday, March 26.

This is a "Pint-size Hero" event, sponsored by the elementary. To schedule an appointment contact Ada school nurse, Marlene Vermillion or Angie Hall, school secretary.

Register for ONU Health Day by March 23 - event held March 28

ONU Health Day is from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, March 28, in the ONU Pharmacy Building. The event is open to the public with a $3 admission charge. Monday, March 23, is the registration deadline.

The event includes the ONU Campus Girl Scouts teaming up  Generation Rx and other pharmacy organizations.

The event will be one where youth can learn about health. There will be educational and fun activities for girls and boys. Some of the activities include medication safety, ways to be physically active, good stress management and an obstacle course.

A permission slip is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

United Methodist Women host April 7 concert

The Ada United Methodist Women will host a concert at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday April 7, at the church, 301 North Main St. 

The program is by Barb Swartz and her topic is "New Beginnings."  She is a member of a trio called " Believe," and will be singing solo for the evening. 

The program is open to the  public. Refreshments will follow the program. Call the church at 419-634-4626 for more information.

Here's where to find the Polar Bears this week

Last Week at Ohio Northern:

   Wrestling - t39th w.3 Pts. at NCAA III Championships at Hershey, Pa.
   Women's Indoor Track & Field - No score at NCAA III Championships at Winston-Salem, N.C.
   Baseball - Won 8-2 / 7-2 v Trine (Ind.)
   Women's Tennis - Lost 2-7 H v #32 Oberlin

This Week's Schedule:
