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Ada's latest news

Bolen pleads guilty to murder of his father

From the Hardin County Sheriff's Office on 03/05/2025  
RE: Michael Bolen Homicide  

On 03/05/2025 Dustin Ray Bolen, a McGuffey man has plead guilty to the following charges:  

Count #1 Murder (F1)  
Count #2 Gross abuse of a corpse (F5)  
Count #3 Tampering with evidence (F3)  

Sentencing for the above charges is scheduled for April 2, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. in the Hardin County  Common Pleas Court.  

Additional information:  

On March 21, 2024, Michael Bolen was reported missing by a family member and an investigation was opened. Interviews were conducted with family and community members over the next several days while an extensive search was conducted in and around the McGuffey area. Dustin Bolen became a person of interest early in the investigation.  

New ONU partnership is pathway from A.S. to B.S. in engineering


Starting on March 1, 2025, a new, three-year partnership between Ohio Northern University and Columbus State Community College will enhance the ability of engineering students to pursue and achieve their educational goals.

Under the articulation agreement, students who have completed an Associate of Science degree in Systems Engineering from Columbus State, will be able to seamlessly enroll at ONU to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Students will enter ONU at junior status, receiving credit for all relevant coursework taken at Columbus State.

Recap of March 4 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The March 4 regular meeting of Ada Council included public forum comments on water bill late fees, updates on electricity and gas aggregation programs and a review of 2025 street paving plans. The meeting packet is HERE.

Denise D’Arca described her frustrations with a late water bill in the U.S. Mail and a delay in payment processing that resulted in late fees. She had submitted a formal request asking the village to waive the fees; later in the meeting this request was denied.

Council members and Village Administrator Jamie Hall discussed late fee policies, noting that customers have an obligation to pay Village utility bills by the 10th of the month regardless of whether the bill is received in the mail. Hall noted that the Village sends out some 135 delinquent payment notices each month and makes some 65 followup calls. 

March 7 ONU Observatory outlook is cloudy

ONU Observatory events are always at the mercy of the weather. Organizer Jason Pinkney reports, "The first one was cancelled because of cloudy weather.  The next one is supposed to be THIS Friday at 7-9 pm, but it looks like it will be clouded out as well."

If the weather should cooperate, the program is as follows. To check on the official status, visit HERE.

Liam Vieira enlists with U.S. Army

From Ada Schools: We are proud to recognize Liam Vieira as he embarks on his journey with the United States Army! Liam has enlisted in active duty as a Carpentry Specialist and will ship out to Fort Jackson, South Carolina on July 15 to begin his training. Join us in congratulating Liam and wishing him success in his military career! PHOTO provided.

Powder Buff Volleyball prom fundraiser, March 7

The Ada High School Powder Buff Volleyball game will take place on Friday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School gym.

Cost is $5 for all spectators (no passes accepted). 

This is a Jr Class fundraiser with all proceeds going toward this year's prom. Come cheer on the high school boys as they compete by class on the volleyball court!
