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Ada's latest news

Making Waves

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Waves in the ocean are formed with the interaction of the wind, water, and land. The gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth can influence tides that can impact the formation of waves. The wind transfers energy to the water. The stronger the wind, the more energy is generated to form waves. 

Platinum Hair Design joins Icon advertisers

The Ada Icon welcomes Platinum Hair Design, 228 N Main St, Ada, as its newest advertiser. The salon is open the following hours. Please note that closing hours are approximate. Owner Laurie Watt keeps the shop open later as needed.

Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Call (419) 634-1010 to schedule an appointment for full salon services.


Lady Bulldog cagers to overcome depth issue with strong guard play

By Cort Reynolds

The 2021-22 Ada girls basketball team enters its fourth season under head coach Morgan Bass hoping to combat low roster numbers behind their three experienced returning guards.

Just nine players comprise the program, so there is no junior varsity squad this season.

Five letter winners and three starters are back from a team that went 5-15 overall (1-7 in Northwest Conference) last season. 

"We are going to roll with who we have," said Bass. "It is tough because we have a lack of numbers for practice."

Winter weather refresher

It wasn’t much, but it was white and frozen. The first snow of the season fell on Sunday, November 14, briefly accumulating in the Ada area. The Icon offers the following refresher on preparing for winter.

Alert Systems

Winter sports photo day, take two

On November 15, the Ada Schools winter sports teams practiced striking a pose for their official photos and the local media. Visit the school's athletics web page for ticket and schedule information.

McGuffey Drive-Thru Santa December 3

The McGuffey Memories Historical Society will host a Drive-Thru Santa celebration from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Friday, December 3.

The event will be held at McGuffey Memorial Park, 199 Courtright St.
