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Ada's latest news

Bulldog softball loss to Raiders

By Cort Reynolds

The Ada High School softball team lost a 5-1 pitcher’s duel to visiting Wayne Trace in a non-league battle Tuesday evening, May 9.

The Bulldogs dropped to 16-6 after suffering their third straight defeat. WT, a regional finalist in 2022, improved to 9-11 with the win.

Chamber garage sale promotion deadline is May 12

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce is reminding area residents to register garage sales by Friday, May 12 for the May 18-19-20 Summer Sidewalk and Community Garage Sales promotion.

Peace Officer Memorial Service scheduled as part of Police Week observances

In recognition of National Police Week, May 14-20, communities across the United States will honor and remember those law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as the family members, friends and fellow officers they left behind.

The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office will host a memorial service on Monday, May 15, National Peace Officers Memorial Day, to pay special recognition of law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. 

The service will begin at 10:00 a.m. on the east side (Main St) of the Hardin County Courthouse. Law Enforcement Officers from all agencies throughout the county have been invited to participate. 

The Kenton High School Top 20 will present the National Anthem; Judge Steve Christopher of the Hardin County Common Pleas Court will offer remarks. The roll call of Hardin County’s Fallen Officers will be read. 

The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend. 

Advertisers of the week: Hanson-Neely-Allison Funeral Home and Kimmet Realty LLC

Join us in thanking our Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon advertisers of the week. They make it possible to provide FREE news updated daily.

Hanson-Neely-Allison Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc., 311 E Lima Ave, Ada, OH 45810; 419-634-2936.

Kimmet Realty LLC, 117 E Main St, Pandora, OH 45877; 419-384-7653.

Meet all our Ada advertisers at

School hours traffic alert signs installed

Two "caution during school hours" signs have been installed on Main St. to alert drivers to pedestrians crossing the road between the lights at North Ave. and Highland Ave. The distance between intersections is .3 miles.

Letter: Sponsors sought for 4-H trip to Chicago

Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County is seeking business and individual sponsors for their 4-H youth and family Cultural Immersion Experience to Chicago, Illinois--June 16-19, 2023,
