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ONU Men’s Lacrosse to observe 9/11 with annual stair climb

Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001? For most college students, they had yet to be born. The Ohio Northern University Men’s Lacrosse team, however, won’t be letting the 22nd anniversary pass by without notice. Starting at 6:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 11, they will memorialize victims and honor first responders with their 9/11 Stair Climb at Dial-Roberson Stadium, an annual team observance that began in 2019. Team members will climb the same number of stairs it took for first responders to reach victims trapped at the top of the Twin Towers.

2023 Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival Royalty Court

The 2023 Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival Royalty Court. L-R) Senior Mariah King, Senior Jilli Hazelton, Senior Awo Akyeampong, Senior Josie Phillips, Senior Karmen Hall, Senior SaraLynn Myers, Senior Autumn Andreasen and Senior Kathryn Sizemore. The festival queen will be crowned on Saturday, September 16.

Weekend Doctor: Annual OBGYN exams

By George Abate, DO
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology

A woman’s annual exam with her OBGYN remains vitally important.

As Pap smear guidelines have changed, women assume they don’t need to see their OB/GYN every year. But, your preventive visit is about much more than periodically screening for cervical cancer with a Pap smear.

Below are just a few of the benefits of seeing your OBGYN each year:

Counseling you about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing health risks. Experts agree there is substantial individual and system-wide cost-savings in prevention. Nutrition and fitness remain the foundation of weight management, prevention of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

Screening for sexually transmitted disease (STD) which can lead to sterility or life-long pelvic pain.

Discussing your bone health; building and maintaining bone through one’s life can substantially reduce risk. Osteoporosis remains a leading cause of disability in seniors.

ODOT road construction update for Sept 11

Hardin County construction update (weather permitting).

  • State Route 31 between the city of Kenton and the Union County line (excluding the village of Mt. Victory) will have lane restrictions for resurfacing.

2023 Ada football festival is a rocking good time

By Paula Scott

When asked, “How do you measure success for the Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival,” chamber director LIndsay Walden-Hollar laughs and says, “I get asked that a lot.” When an event is full of mostly free attractions, there are no ticket sales, no gate numbers. “It’s a success when Depot Park is busy all night long” and “when my phone blows up” with positive feedback, says Walden-Hollar.

Made in Ada Football Festival 2023 Slides

Line dancing at the library

Come on down to the Ada Public Library for line dancing classes, starting Mondays 10-11:00 a.m. and Thursdays 7:-8:00 p.m. in September. All skill levels welcome. Classes are free and open to everyone.
